What is with all These Blue Eyed Kids? Geez

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Okay thank you people for your wonderful and overwhelming sort of support that followed the last chapter. All the comments and votes! It was amazing! You people really made my day! I'll stop babbling and get on with the story.(ALSO SPOILERS IN THIS CHAPTER FOR TIMELESS FANS. DONT READ SECOND PARAGRAPH IF YOU HAVE NOT SEEN THE SEASON FINALE FOR SEASON TWO)

Tony Stark POV

The second half of my day was much more relaxing and normal than the first half(I mean as normal as it can get when your Ironman and live with a bunch of superheroes).

 I got to catch up on all the favorite television shows(those cruel, cruel directors, and screenwriters, killing all of those characters). I have to admit that season finale for Timeless was actually amazing. I mean Rufus was not dead, then dead, then could be possibly not dead. Fricking awesome!! I mean everyone else does not get the beauty and intricacy of this show. I mean they are time travelers that do crazy stuff to the past to save to future! (Timeless spoilers are over you are safe to read)

Those are some undercover superheroes. Saving the world without anyone realizing that it is happening. 

I mean, that is good and all, but I would much more prefer to do it the way I do it. The fans, the attention, the action, the amazing people you meet, and, most importantly, the amazing pranks you pull on those amazing people.

I am about halfway through rewatching the first season of Timeless when I hear the distinct noise of an elevator opening. Shrugging off the noise as someone coming up from the training room, because that's where these crazy people spend their Saturday mornings, I continue watching Wyatt, Rufus, and Lucy do crazy stuff in the past. 

Eyes focused on the television screen, I miss all of the actions that the person that just entered the room is doing to catch my attention. Like a faithful fan, I continue watching my show, until, Cap snaps his fingers right in front of my face.

"TONY!!! PAY ATTENTION TO ME!!! I NEED YOU TO FIX THIS KID!" I just so happen to turn my head at just the moment to catch that weird yet intriguing bit of speech coming out of the Capsicle's mouth.

Now that he had my attention, he placed the kid that needed fixing onto the couch next to me. The kid was currently curled into a ball, with very quick, and shallow breaths coming in and out. At the center of the kids circle, was what looked like one of Cap's hats. I bet that is why Cap brought him in, the kid stole his hat and then refused to give it back. Dang that big hearted popsicle, this was obviously just a ploy to get into the tower. 

I get off the couch, position myself above the kids ear, and say rather loudly, "give Cap his hat back!"

But, instead of the kid unfurling and handing the hat back to Cap and going back on with the rest of their day, they just curl into a tighter coil and start breathing fasting and shallower.

Whoops, apparently I did the wrong thing.

Since, flat out did not work, how about we try to get the therapist in here to help us.

"SAAAAAMMMM   I AM. GET IN HERE NOW!" I yell knowing that he is probably in the kitchen making food, because he really is one of the only Avengers that can cook.

"Gosh, Tony what was that-" he stopped midsentence taking notice of the kids that was currently hyperventilating on my couch, seeing the kid he redirects his sentence, "Why is there a teenager having a panic attack on the couch?"

"This kid tried to take Cap's hat, and darn Steve's heart brought him in here," I state feeding Sam the story that I made up about what happened. Steve gave me a dirty look as I finish, so apparently that is not what happened.

"Sam, that is not what happened, I was on my run, when I dropped my hat. It landed in his lap, and he stood up very quickly to hand it to me, in a very formal fashion. But the action ended up a good half a foot to my right. I asked him if he was alright, but it just sent him into a panic attack." So yah my story was way off of the truth.

"Anything else happen on the way here, or once they got here?" Sam asks obviously trying to figure out this mystery kid.

"Yah, Tony here," Steve pointing an accusing finger at me, "Yelled straight into the kid's ear."

Great, now I have two people sending me ugly looks. 

"Just calm them down, so they can get out of here," I say to Sam just wanting this to get over, I want to watch my show for goodness sake.

"I am on it, geez Tony." After that statement, he goes to work calming the kid down. It takes a few moments, but after figuring out that it was the talking of people that panicked him, it only took a few moments for him to calm down. And, once he unfurled it was obvious that he was a boy. 

As soon as he looked up and saw Cap, he looked down, looking kind of embarrassed, and handed Cap back his hat. Mumbling something in a different language, he hands in hat in a formal gesture not looking up at Cap's very concerned face.

When he finally looks up he has the most teal eyes I have every seen. I mean who has teal eyes. I mean what kind of person has teal eyes, a weird one. What is it with weird kids with blue eyes today?!

So yah that was a chapter, hope you like it and all!

Keep being awesome peoples!

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