Red Bull, Coffee and Espresso? Now that's my kinda drink

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This has taken me way too long to write. But, I've been writing a Hamilton Au Fanfic and I've gotten way too into it and I needed to come up to breath. So, this is what I'm going to write everytime that I want to write but can't write the Hamilton Au. Lots more chapters.

Also new point of view that will be a new one. Let's just say, nothing is ever private at the Tower. 

Clint Barton's Point of view

Today's been weird. Not aliens invading Earth (that's no longer considered 'weird'), but teenager level weird. Not suburban level weird, weirder than city level weird, they're farm level weird. My kids are so weird, I blame their Aunt Natasha. But, their friends that they met at school are so weird. Very weird. Incredibly weird. Weirder than my eternal roommates.

But anyways, first I watched Tony yell at a foreign guy (who was very very attractive) while said kid had a panic attack. 

I laughed when Tony had to pull in Sammy Boy to help him deal with the hyperventilating teenager.

Then I watched him and Steve fight (ah the wonders of living in a billion dollar tower for free) over dark haired beauty of a kid. I swear I'm not a pervert he's just very attractive. You don't look at a model and say 'eww they're ugly.' You look at them and your self-conscious drops a million points. That's where I'm at with him.

Also I'm happy watching Tony be uncomfortable, he's started trying to steal my arrows. And, today he glitter bombed me.  In the middle of Central Park, so many children laughed. It's the middle of the day on a school day, why were there so many children.

I was just reminiscing with Bruce about Ultron (it was the anniversary of Pietro's death) when it went off. Bruce skedaddled out of there, muttering about the big green guy and left me to my death. I should be recording this, I'm a genius.

Youtube or Instagram. Which one will kill Tony more? On Youtube I could give a clickbait title like 'Tony Stark Yells at Unassuming Teenager with Anxiety.' But on Instagram I could get all of the influencers against him. Ugh, but the a lot of the influencers are sponsored by Tony. 

Dilemas, dilemas, dilemas.

I tune back into the conversation when they're talking about the Hunger Games. That movie is my internal monologue, along with Brave and any movies featuring strong, independent, female archers. 

 A strong temptation to jump out from my hiding spot (I've hidden myself in the ceiling tiles, Tony didn't spring for the cheap fragile ones), but I don't. Trying to watch the whole conversation without full out cackling is very very hard. Just Tony looks like an idiot, also Cap looks so confused so that's a plus. Watching Mr. AlMighty get knocked down by the fact that he doesn't understand a basic cultural reference is chicken soup to my petty soul.

But as soon as that starts getting boring (the good drama was all over, the kid said three words then zoned out) I went down to watch the lobby. Some weird stuff has gone down in the lobby. One day two groups of protestors came to talk to Mr. Stark for an indorsement. For context, they were opposing groups of protesters. Such drama, if I thought I had the time, I would've gone and gotten popcorn, it was that good. And then there's the daily trouble of tourists that want a tour and watching Karen's demand to see Mr. Stark.

Today's entertainment consists of more beautiful  teenagers arguing with the lobby reception lady. Well, one teenager, arguing with her posse of equally model like companions behind her. Also, darn that accent is great, but it isn't British with a French twinge, it's something completely different. I'm an international spy I know these things, also that's not what Natasha's "British student who studied in France" accent. And Natasha is the best accent person ever. So that's a lie.

When my hawk ears pick up the receptionist saying that an intern will pass up the note, I perk up. I don't trust those little interns, they look like they are five and half of them wear nerd cardigans.

Except Peter. Peter is an angel. I'd trust Peter to pass along the message, but Peter is talking to Tony about Timeless. Nothing is going to take away them away from that conversation.

There's nothing that the cameras can prove, but there's about five people who won't admit that a guy fell out of the ceiling. 

"That's mine," I shout, running over the receptionist and eagerly grabbing the note. "I mean it's Tony's but I'll bring it to him."

The girl handed it to me, looking very extremely confused-- understandably so I did just drop out of her ceiling.

Giddly I rush to the exclusive elevator to bring the letter to Tony. Quickly skimming the note as I head up to the penthouse level.

Shoot, wasn't Mr. Forkle that one dude I spied tony talking to that one day?

I did it. I wrote. Finally.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2019 ⏰

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