I Can't Breath

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Okeey wonderful people, that took time to read this story. I am changing the title, to....

(Drum roll please)

Two Different Worlds of Heroes(An Avengers Kotlc Crossover)

Also, I got tagged by the wonderful writer, @readstoomuch53546, thank you for my first tag. I have no idea how this works so I'm improvising(just go with it).

First question: Do I have a crush?

Yes, yes, I do

Second question: What is my middle name?

Starts with an l and ends with an e and is an emotion. All I'm saying on that topic

Third question: What is my height?

5' 2"(fun fact that is exactly one foot shorter than somebody in my immediate family, we have been growing at the same rate for a while. They are always one foot taller than me)

Fourth question: What is my eye color?

Brown. Brown all the way no agruement there

Fifth question: When was the last time I cried?

When (SPOILER ALERT FOR TIMELESS FANS) Rufus died in Timeless, I was sobbing.

Sixth question: What is my greatest fear?

This is a slightly odd fear, but I'm scared to death of being late.

Seventh question: What is the last song I listened to?

Breakeven by The Script (I'm actually listening to the song as I'm writing this small bit)

Eighth question: What is my favorite app?

Spotify by far. I love listening to my music

Now apparently I'm supposed to "tag" 20 more people but I can't really do that yet, so I'm going to try to do 10. 

(Lets do this) 






(Wooh half way there)





Yah sorry if I'm doing this wrong, but there, eight people "tagged". On with the story.

Fitz Vacker POV

How is your search for, as humans say, a needle in a haystack going, one might ask me?


The search is going terrible.

I have proceeded to; step in a type of animal feces; get splashed by a yellow machines floor water; get my few humans dollars I had on me roughly stolen by a man muttering about models usually having more money; and then get just generally overwhelmed and lost.

This is so much more complicated and delicate then my missions for Sophie. Then, I was surrounded by children and nobody batted an eye about my appearance. And I knew where I was supposed to be. 

Now, I am surrounded by  people that could easily be 30-40 years older than me. And, they look that much older than me. Wrinkles are weird on human beings, before coming to the human world I had never seem wrinkles on human skin, they were always on other creatures.  

Almost every person that I have passed has stared at me, apparently (I heard this from one of the girls passing) I'm attractive, and a model. That was the second time I had heard that word, I will have to learn what that word means soon. 

And to add to my torture, I had no idea where to find this person. The mystery "Tony Stark" could be in any of these towers that looked at least as tall as the Sencen Estate. Even Keefe, has not seen all the rooms in his house and he lived there for years!

At some point during my walk, my breaths get short and choppy. I all of a sudden can not for the life of get enough air into my lungs. My minds racing, and the first rational thought I have is to sit down on the side of a building (I guess this is okay for people to do here I have seen tons of people doing it) and pull my legs close to me. 

I stay like that for an amount of time that I myself am unsure of but by now, the sun has reached the highest it's going to reach in the sky. When I had first started out the day, the sun had barely scraped the horizon. 

I was about to give up on this day, and restart this practically impossible mission tomorrow morning(my wall was actually not that bad), when a man drops his hat onto my lap.

My first instinct was to stand up and hand the man his hat back(I was raised in an important family manners were important). So, I popped up and grasping the hat by the part of it that stuck straight out, I made a movement to hand the man his hat back. But it is only an attempt, I must have stood up to quickly because all of a sudden I have black spots all over my vision. My attempt ends up going, about, 6 inches to the right of the man. 

He attempts to start talking to me but, my English has grown very limited over the years. All the helplessness of this situation (my inability to stand up right, and my inability to understand his speech, my inability to find this man) has seemingly given me another one of those breathing episodes. I soon find it hard to breath, and am once again curled up against the buildings wall.

I am not fully aware of my surroundings as I slowly become unconscious, but I am pretty sure that the ground is not supposed to be this warm, or for that matter even move.

Steve Rogers POV

As soon as I drop my hat, I drop down to grab it. But, When I raise again there is a boy(no more than 17) popping up to give me my hat. Holding it as though he is presenting it formally to me. The gesture would have been nice, if it had made it to me, but it ended up six inches to my right. 

Like a normal person would, I ask him if he is alright, but that just sends him into a state of panic. He curls up into a ball on the ground, with my hat in the center of all of it. Sighing, I pick him up and carry him to the one of the few people that I know that can talk him out of this panic attack-Tony Stark.

Okay new chapter, I'm sorry I did not wait but I was bored and wanted to write. 

Thank you for reading this!

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