Humans Are Weird

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Hey wonderful readers! Hope that this chapter is satisfactory! I can't believe that this story has more than 200 views!!! Also now that the middle chapters are out of the way, the real crossover begins! (Cackles evilly) 

Tam Pov

As we link hands to jump off the cliff at Havenfield, I can vaguely  hear the Vacker accent talking to Grady. As a signal that we need to hurry up, I walk closer to the side of the cliff pulling the rest of the team with me. Most everybody else looked slightly annoyed with my sudden movement, but Sophie got the point, and next we know we are hurtling off a cliff. But, because the adults do not know of this particular excursion, we have to stifle the screams that tear at our throats threatening to break out and expose this whole mission.  Noise will not matter soon though, because as soon as the void opens we are no longer in a place where people will look to find us.

We will be in the hands of the humans.

(I was thinking about ending it here but you know I have time to kill, and I am not that evil.....yet. I mean I might start doing that when I start killing characters but that's not for a couple chapters.)

We land with a crash, piled on top of each other, all slightly uncomfortable with being so close to each other. I am the first to get out of the pile, and the first thing I notice about our surroundings is  that there is people just milling around, like six teenagers just turning up out of the blue was completely normal. 

I was taking in our surroundings when two men stroll by us and are saying words that are definitely not english, things like "tesseract" and "Ultron", I walk over to Sophie and am about to ask her if this is the right place because the people are not speaking English(Which is apparently the language that they speak in New York), when I realize that Linh and that kid are still way too close to each other. 

Five feet is too close Linh! Too close!(A/N it's fun writing an overprotective brother)  I storm over to those two and pull the sister out of the little interaction they were having. I give Linh a onceover making sure that she was not hurt in the bumpy landing we had from teleporting. I can not believe that I am agreeing with Keefe but she really does need to work on her landings.

Speaking of Keefe where is that trouble maker if we lose sight of him for even one  moment there is a good chance we will never see him again, not that I would be complaining. But others might. 

I finally spot him, he is over by a small pond of murky water speaking to one of the two men that I saw earlier. Except how is he talking with them he barely knows English and the man does not know English at all. I walk closer to them and I the closer I get the more it sounds like they are talking in English. And when I am finally close enough to be able to understand all of the words that are being passed between the two,  I could not be more disappointed at the topic. 

Gee, it's Keefe Sencen  what in the world could the topic be? Well, what is he good at? Betraying his friends? Not a good conversation starter. Breaking girls hearts? Awkward to talk about with someone you just met. Oh, I know what he is talking about, its what fills almost all of this waking thoughts-pranking.

By the time that I am close enough to Keefe to touch his shoulder, the other man is trying to explain a prank that he just pulled on his friend to Keefe, but because of Keefe's limited English the man is having a hard time. At the moment before he notices me he is trying to explain to Keefe what a glitter bomb is. 

"You see, glitter, it is sparkly little pieces of plastic," when the man sees Keefes look of confusion he just throws up his hands, gets up others Keefe his hand to shake, and says, "Nice meeting you kid. Maybe the next time that we meet we can have a real conversation about pranking. Pull some good pranks for me." 

As soon as the man has turned his back and is a few steps away I start chastising Keefe in the Enlightened Language, "Keefe Sencen! Why did you walk away from the group! You could have gotten lost, and Sophie is in no mental shape to be searching for you in a crowd of humans! We do not need any of your, "I am going to save the day by self" thinking on this trip. So, stay near the group, I can not be responsible for 4 reasonable elves if you pull down the rest. Sophie gave me the responsibility of keeping track of all of her friends. And, I unlike you do not like disappointing my friends." 

Grabbing him by the wrist I drag him back to the group. By the time I get back to the group, Sophie has recovered a tiny bit and is sitting up with the help of the other two girls. They are quietly talking about something, the most likely hood is that they are asking Sophie questions about the human world and how it works. I want to know the answer to that as well, but I have spent enough time with Linh to know you never interrupt girl talk. No matter how simple or trival the topic may seem to you never interrupt it.

I let go of Sencen's wrist, and point to a spot of grassless dirt for him to sit on. He gets the point and plops down to the ground and sits like a child would. I sit down on a rock and wait for the girl talk to be done. 

I wait silently with Sencen for a few moments but the girls show no sign of stopping soon, so I ask him who he was talking to at the pond.

Sencen being the idiot he is just says, "I do not know he never gave me his name, but I heard this group of giggling girls walking by pointing at him and saying something about a guy made of iron and Tony Stark."

As soon as Keefe finishes talking Sophie's head whips around, "Keefe, did you say Tony Stark? And did the man you talk to have brown hair, a goatee, and casual looking clothing on?" Sencen slowly nods, causing Sophie to sigh, "Well, we just lost the person we are looking for in a city of millions of people."

That is the longest chapter I have wrote!(over 1,000 words!) Hope you readers like it!! Keep commenting, reading, and voting! Any guesses on who the man other man that Tony was talking to in the beginning was?

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