Water hose gone wild 1

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Living in a world of heroes isn't a piece of cake. It's hard.

There's three people in this world.

Heroes, villains and citizens.

Which am I?

I'm a hero.

I'm a 13 year old boy that lives in a small neighborhood, not recognized for being anyone important.
Sometimes, I manage to squeeze some fun into my day.

Going to party's and having sleep overs, but I also have an important job.

I'm Andrew Johnson, the famous Super hero, Swift.

I'm very fast and flexible, along with having a long whip that I use to attack my victim.

Of course, I'm not the only hero.

There's one girl that calls herself Blue Jay who can fly and wears a very nice outfit.

Her mask looks like a blue Jay and her super suit is more like a dress with spandex leggings.
She looked a bit girly, but she can sure fight.

She can control wind and make it do what she wants.

We work together a lot, but have more heroes that help out form time to time.
Personally, I feel like we're getting closer with the more time we spend together.

Our main villain sends his minions to steal things and what not, nothing big.

But today is when that all changed.

I'm heading towards a villain attack right now.

I'm jumping from roof to roof, nearing the attack.
Since I can't fly, I have to jump.
Anyway, I'm getting off subject.

I was surprised to see that the attack was on the Cuffer's mansion.

Miss. Cuffer and her son live in there alone.

Her son, Alexander is a famous model but is pretty normal.

Why would a villain attack them?

I slid down to the ground and saw Blue Jay already attacking the villain.

It must be a new villain.

I've never seen anyone like him before.

He had two large swords and looked like ninja.

Sweet, some real fun!

I grabbed my whip and attacked.

He simply did a back flip and dodged.

Blue Jay sent a gust of wind at him then tried to knock him off his feet.

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