Timothy Woods 17

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The days seemed to get worse.

We decided to have another meeting in my alley.

Darkstar was kind enough to bring me some dinner.

"Okay, we need a plan!"

"If we waiting longer... There won't be a city left to take over."

They nodded in agreement.

"So... What's the plan?"

Beautyqueen sighed and put some lip stick on.

"... Come on, we have to think of something."

That's when I heard something above us.

Someone jumped down from the roof.

I stared at the person in a super suit.

"Who are you!?"

He waited for a moment then spoke.

"I'm Knockout, a superhero."

"I've come to help you save the heroes."

I glared at him "Fine, get over here."

He smiled and sat down.

"Okay, I know how to get the heroes back and save Alexander."

We all looked at him curiously.

"We need to knock her out and free them from her magic prison."

"To do that, I need some backup."

He stood again.

"Darkstar! Your powers are extremely powerful! I need you to help me!"

"Destroyer and Beautyqueen work very well together! You both need to combine your powers and help get people to safety."

He looked down at his watch.

"Okay, she's down the street right now!"

"Let's go!"

He ran out before we even knew what was going on.

We all just followed him.

He spoke so fast.

He didn't even give us real jobs.

So confusing.

We stopped at Alexander's mother.

She went crazy with beams and fire balls.

I did as he said and helped people get to safety.

It was actually a hard job.

I had to carry on girl to her dad.

Darkstar was casting some spell or something.

When I finally finished, I saw Alexander's mother on the ground.

Knockout said a few words and a portal appeared.

Knockout watched as the heroes fell onto the ground.

Swift gasped for air and looked around.

"W-what happened!?"

I stared at Knockout with big eyes.

He just got the heroes back.

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