Alexander Cuffer 10

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I slowly crawled into bed and closed my eyes.

Sunspark and Timothy were guarding my door.

I can't believe everyone knows who I am now.

It's been about two weeks now and my leg has gotten a lot better.

I can walk now, not needing a crutch.

But I still have a slight limp.

Even so, the heroes won't leave me for a moment without someone guarding me.

They won't even let me go on missions without being completely healed.

I don't understand why they are being so protective!

It's like they think something is coming for me.

But who could possibly get in my high security room?

I tossed and turned in my bed, unable to fall asleep.

My black hair stuck to my face.

My feet got tangled in the blankets.

I let out a sigh and threw my covers off me.

My blankets fell on the floor as I laid back and closed my eyes.

Maybe... I could finally fall asleep.

"Having trouble sleeping?"

I jumped and fell off my bed.

I heard a soft chuckle as I slowly sat up.

"Who's there!?"

I stood up and looked around.

Something pushed me onto my bed.

"Hey! Get away from me you little-!"

A hand covered my mouth as something grabbed me.

"Shh, quiet before someone hears you."

I mumbled angrily at the strange figure.

He just smiled "You... Look adorable when your angry."

I stopped mumbling and decided to knock this guy out.

But he wouldn't let go of me.

I thrashed around frantically.

"Your just full of energy, aren't you?"

They pulled me over to my bed and sat me on their lap.

"When I have trouble sleeping, I drink some warm milk."

He grabbed a glass off my nightstand.

I don't know how it got there, but it was.

He put it to my lips and told me to drink.

I didn't really have much of a choice, so I did.

He smiled and watched me slowly drink the whole glass.

When I finished it, he sat it back on the nightstand and put his arms around me.

He just kinda held me in his arms.

"I'd take you home now... But I can only teleport myself back and forth."

"But I'll come and get you soon."

I didn't dare scream and call for help.

I was too curious about this man anyway.


He chuckled "Why?"

He pulled me in closer and placed a kiss on my face.

"I'm your dad, why wouldn't I want you?"

He did have my same color hair and eyes.

I don't remember my dad, my mother always kept me away from him.

But he didn't seem so bad.

I closed my eyes and let him hold me.

Just for tonight.

Just for now.

Then I would stop.

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