Linda White 5

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My parents dropped me off at school and left.

Sara was waiting in the front for me.

"Is Alexander here yet?"

She rolled her eyes "Not yet, I still don't understand why you like him."

She grinned "He's probably a villain."

Now it was my turn to roll my eyes.

That's when the limo pulled up.

Lavae and Kate pushed me out of the way and ran over to the limo.

Alexander got out and said hi to them.

They fangirled over him and led him inside.

Sara glared at him, while I giggled.

He smiled at me "Hi Linda, Hi Sara."

I almost fainted.

He knew my name!

Lavae pushed him down the hallway.

I looked at Sara "He knows me!"

She just walked inside.

"Hey! Wait for me!"

I quickly ran after her.

Trent Henderson

It was hours before lunch.

That breakfast Evan gave me was just enough to get me through.

He was such a great friend.

Of course, he was everyone's friend.

Even that snobby model, Alexander's friend.

Alexander spent most of his time with Timothy.

I figured Timothy was probably Swift.

He was crazy and immature.

Opposite of Alexander.

I ignored them most if the time and ate with Evan.

He always sat by his friends, Sara, Linda and Andrew.

He tried to include me in all he did.

Honestly, I think he knows who everyone is.

I mean, I only know he's Sweetbeats and that Sara is Sunspark.

They are both easy.

Sara Marks is kinda like Sunspark, ya know?

Evan acts just like Sweetbeats.

I wouldn't be surprised if everyone knew.

He makes it so obvious.

Evan was telling a story when Alexander walked over to our table shyly.

Evan stopped and smiled at him.

"What's up?"

"H-hey, I was just wondering if-if you all would like to come swimming with me?"

"I'm going to be at my house if you... You want to."

Evan smiled "That sounds great, I'm sure all of us can come, right guys!"

Sara and Andrew nodded grumbly.

Linda about fainted "Yes!"

I sighed "I guess so."

Alexander swallowed "G-good, okay... You can come after school."

Evan nodded "Sure thing, thanks Alexander."

Alexander was then pulled away by his flock of girls.

Sara hissed "I hate that guy."

Evan frowned "Its just for a little while, he's a really nice guy."

But we all had our doubts.

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