Evan Walker 16

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By the end of the third day, the whole city was in a panic.

If Alexander didn't come soon with the other heroes, we'll be doomed.

... Well... Not me... But my plan requires the city to be calm.

There's only one option.

I made my tail and horns disappear before walking outside.

I had that cheery smile on my face as I walked down the street.

I'll find that Destroyer guy and help him.

Maybe I can even find someone else with powers.

Make them a hero.

Yeah, that would be cool.

When I came back from my thoughts, I saw Alexander's mom coming towards me.

She shot a beam at me.

It hit me full on.

For a normal person, that would send them to the hospital... If not kill them.

But when the smoke cleared, my tail and horns were on me.

My eyes were pure black.

My hair was platinum blond.

She blinked "What... Are you?"

I hissed "Your gonna pay lady!"

I spun around cutting her with the sharp point on my tail.

Before she could do anything, I put my hand out and sucked her energy.

She fell backwards on the ground in front of me.

I walked over her and down the street.

"Time to find that new hero."

Cameron Harp

"If you don't stay with me next time, your going to be in big big trouble!"

He fed me another spoon full of pudding.


The wolf was in human form still.

He fed me another bite.

I just call him Wolf.

Wolf had given me a bath then put me in bed.

I finished my pudding and got ready for bed.

Wolf kissed my forehead and went downstairs.

My parents both died when I was just two.

The animal people took me in as their son.

But anyway, they got a few houses in the outskirts of the city.

They protect me from... Everyone.

I had a bully who knocked me out of my wheel chair.

Wolf grabbed the boy and threw him in a garbage truck.

They are very protective.

I yawned and closed my eyes.


I opened my eyes and saw a strange boy.

He looked... Terrifying.

I gasped and started to scream for Wolf when he covered my mouth.

"Quiet, I just want to tell you something."

He slowly took his hand from my mouth.

I stared at him with big eyes.

"Okay, no more screaming or I'll throw you out the window."

I nodded fearfully.

"Listen, we both know you have powers, I can feel them."

"Your the only one who can save the heroes."


"Yes, what powers do you have?"

Wolf told me to never reveal my powers.

But I don't really have a choice right now.

"I-I can control people's body's."

He frowned "Why haven't you controlled me then?"

I realized the stupid mistake I made.

But when I tried, it just hurt my head.

"I-I can't do it to you."

He grinned "Excellent, now I have a question for you."

He leaned forward "How would you like to be a hero?"

I shook my head "I can't walk, I can't be a hero in a wheel chair."

But he still had a smirk on his face.

"What if I could get you a super suit that helps you walk?"

I stared at him with disbelief.

"You can do that?"

He nodded and sat something in my lap.

I slowly held it up and studied the suit.

"Put it on, it should help."

I swallowed "Wolf wouldn't allow me to-."

"Just do it."

There wasn't any room for argument.

I slowly slipped it on and looked at him.

He pushed a button and the suit seemed to glow in some places.

"Try standing."

I took a deep breath and set my feet on the floor.

I slowly put my weight on them until I was standing.

He watched me walk around my room with no problem.

"This is amazing!"

He smiled and gave me an ear piece.

"Good, because your going to be a hero tonight."

"I am!?"

He nodded "Your going to be the great hero that saved the whole city."

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