Timothy woods 8

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I slept by Alex until the next morning.

He woke up and seemed to feel better.

I fed him with Sara that morning.

She seemed to really like him now.

But he didn't speak at all.

He moved more, but had trouble even making noises.

I was really worried about him.

"Do you think a doctor could do something more for him?"

She shrugged "I'm not sure, but if he doesn't get better, we'll have to take him to a hospital."

Alexander looked so small now.

I can't believe what I had done to him.

His father would be after all of us now.

But Alex was in bigger danger.

What did his father want from him?

Maybe he wanted his son's powers.

Alexander could make his skateboard turn into any instrument.

Each instrument had a different power.

The guitar shot beams at his victim, that make them get thrown back.

His keyboard makes the ground shake and crumble around his target.

He really does have a cool power.

Alexander had already fallen back to sleep when Trent walked in.

I didn't even look at him.

"... Hey, Andrew says we need to take him to the hospital."

I nodded slowly and picked him up.

Alexander was so light.

I began to carry him out when something fell out if his pocket and hit the floor.

I looked down at a small music note shaped object.

Slowly, I picked it up and looked at it closely.

I pushed the small button on it and it became a skateboard.

My eyes got big as I quickly turned it back into a music note.

That was his weapon.

I could totally use that against him... But won't.

He's my friend.

And to right now, he needs me.

I slipped it into my pocket and walked out.

Alexander Cuffer

I just remember doctors and nurses zooming around me.

I got stitches and medicine, along with a bunch of other stuff.

I was in the hospital for nearly a week.

My mom freaked out, saying that some villain was probably after me.

A villain after me?

Who would want me?

Specially when they can have the mayor or president?

Timothy and the others visited me a lot.

Some other kids also came.

Sara, Linda, Trent and Andrew.

I thought they hated me, but I guess they were over that now.

After two weeks, I was finally allowed to come out.

But I had one problem.

I had to use a crutch still.

I limped over to the door and went out.

Reporters saw me and about had a heart attack.

They rushed over to me.

"Alex!? Which villain is after you!?"

"Are you going to be like this forever?"

"What are you comments on the magazine!?"

I frowned "Magazine?"

She showed me the front of a magazine that clearly stated me being Sweetbeats.

I stared at it for a long time.

"What is it like being a hero!?"

"How do your powers work?"

"Are you really the leader?"

"Who are the other heroes?"

I just stared at them, still getting over my shock.

How did they know?

I felt something wrap around me and slowly led me away from the crowds.

I saw Andrew and Timothy both helping me to my limo.

Andrew helped me inside and smiled.

"I'm coming over tomorrow evening, okay?"

"Oh... Okay."

He nodded and shut the door.

My whole world seemed like it just did a back flip.

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