Alexander Cuffer 13

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We appeared in a small office room.

I blinked and looked around.

"Is this your office?"

He smiled "Yes, isn't it nice?"

I nodded and looked at his desk.

"Wow, you must be pretty great."

The door opened.

I turned and saw a boy walking in.

He frowned "Hey, you said you wanted me?"

My dad nodded.

"I want you to help me show my son around."

He looked at his watch and sighed.

"Okay, I guess I can."

My father smiled and led me out.

The school was amazing!

I couldn't believe he had a whole school just for heroes!

"That's the training room."

"That's the scheming room."

"Scheming room?"

"Yeah, to come up with evil plots and what not."


I looked at my dad who quickly turned away.

"You said this was a school for heroes!"

The boy laughed "This is a school for villains!"

I glared at my dad.

"I want to go home."

He blinked "But you haven't even tried to be a villain!"

"Because I never will!"

My father frowned "Your not leaving."

"You can't keep me here!"

"I can."

"You shouldn't!"

He told the boy to go home, then led me to his room.

"You can sleep here."

"No! I'm not staying here!"

He crossed his arms "And how to do plan to escape without powers?"

".... I don't know... I should have listened to my friends... As the leader, it's my job to listen to their opinions and ideas... I should have done that instead of getting myself stuck here."

He blinked "Well, I think it's about time for bed."

"Your probably tired after such a long day."

I walked to the door and opened it.

"Where are you going?"

"To find a portal, I have to apologize to my friends."

He frowned and snapped.

I suddenly got pulled back.


I was dropped on the sofa.

"What was that!?"

"My power, now sit here and be good."

I growled but sat still.

I would find a way back.

No matter what.

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