Sara marks 2

14 3 1

After a long day of fighting, it was good to get home.

I hated that Alexander kid.

He acted so perfect and better then everyone else.

As Sunspark, I'm the heat of the team.

If Sweetbeats isn't there, I'm in charge.

Sweetbeats has been like a leader to us all from the beginning.

I'd say he's the glue that holds the team together.

Without him, we'd crumble.

I got home and climbed through the window.

My sister was reading a magazine on her bed.

She looked at me but said nothing.

We both hate eachother very much.

She's a villain, I'm a hero.

It doesn't work.

But she often works with two other people named Destroyer and Dark Star.

I went into the bathroom and got into normal clothes.

When I came out, Lavae was in her super villain outfit and climbing out the window.

Figures, she off to do something else.

One good thing about having a superhero team, is that I don't have to go on every single villain attack.

I ran downstairs and saw my dad making dinner.

Mom has been sick for a few days.

So dad's stayed home and helped out.

He sat food on the table and smiled.

"Where's your sister?"

I shrugged "Probably with her friends."

He nodded and sat down.

"I made your favorite tonight."

I couldn't help but smile back at him.

It was sweet rolls with chicken strips and gravy.

I attacked the food then got ready for bed.

Lavae would probably be out all night.

She often has long nights at her friends house, planing for future attacks.

But I can't bother myself with that right now.

I crawled into bed and fell asleep.

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