Trent Henderson 4

11 3 0

I woke up and slowly stood.

My head still ached from hitting it on my window.

Don't ask.

But I managed to get dressed and walk downstairs.

My dad was laying on his chair, drunk from last night.

I sighed and slipped my shoes on.

Beer bottles littered the ground around his chair.

I quickly walked outside and waited for the bus.

I'm sure my friend Evan would be waiting for me.

He often hangs around that Andrew guy.

The bus stopped in front of me, giving me time to get on.

I ran onto the bus and sat down by Evan.

He was talking to Andrew when I walked in.

His curly red hair made me want to play with it.

I ruffed his air and smiled.

He didn't mind, he just loved to see me happy.

He was the school news reporter.

He loved superheroes and made guesses on who is who.

What he doesn't know is me.

I'm Psycho.

I act much different then the hero.

On the other side of the bus, was Kate and Lavae.

They were like... Bffs.

Evan looked at me and smiled.

"Hey Trent, how's your morning?"

There was no doubt in my mind, this was Sweetbeats.

"It's been okay."

He grabbed a small plastic container from his bag.

"Here, here's some of my breakfast from this morning."

"I'm sure you didn't eat anything yet."

I took the box and smiled "Thanks."

Andrew Johnson

How can Evan stand him!?

Trent is probably a villain!

Destroyer most likely.

He's so grumpy and moody.

Why does Evan like him so much?

Maybe Evan knows something I don't.

But I'm sure it's for the greater good.

It's easy to tell he's Sweetbeats.

He's funny, smart and very understanding.

Evan is funny reporter boy with his own blog.

He's extremely smart in school, and makes all A's.

Plus, he likes everyone.

He even told me that villains are probably just misunderstood.

I looked out the window as Evan and Trent talked.

I wonder if today would be too awful.

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