Alexander Cuffer 21

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It's been a week since my parents went to jail.

Now, I'm going to an orphanage to... Find a good family.

I stared at my superhero friends with a smile.

"Guys, just because I'm leaving, doesn't mean we're not friends."

"I'll really miss you all."

Swift nodded slowly.

"And so, I leave Swift as your new leader and Knockout as your new team member."

They all nodded.

They all looked so sad.

"But, I'm giving my powers to a different person, so they can carry on saving people like you all."

I took the music note from my pocket and held it up.

"I've learnt more about how it works and I've found that it changes how it works when it goes to different people."

"So I'm going to let it fly away and go to who it thinks is best."

I let it go and watched it zoom away.

I took in a deep breath and smiled.

"So... I will hopefully see you all soon."

They all attacked me with a hug.

Timothy had tears running down his face.

I waved to them all and ran back inside to pack.

They all sadly went away.

All the memories we have together seemed so long ago.

Everything has changed so much.

I walked into my room and began packing my bags.

This is the end of my story.

We all save the day and get to continue with our lives.

So, thanks for reading about me and my friends.

I'm sorry to end this story so soon, but this is all that happened.

I'm glad you read about us.

Thanks once again for reading.


I turned around from my bag and saw a weird boy with horns.

"Oh! Hey? who are you?"

He grinned "I just came to pick you up."

I blinked "Pick me up?"

He nodded and stroked his tail.

"That's right, Your coming with me."

"... And what if I refuse?"

He shrugged "I'll take you anyway."

I slowly tried to grab my phone, but the crazy demon boy leaped on me.

I screamed and fell backwards on the ground.

Then something hit me, making me blackout.

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