Sara marks 6

6 2 0

After school, we got ready to go to Alexander's.

Evan aka Sweetbeats, really wanted us to come.

I don't know what he sees in that guy.

He must be some kind of villain.

A very evil villain.

I can't stand that smile in his face.

It's like he's up to no good.

When I got there, Linda and Trent were swimming around in the water.

That Trent guy smelt weird.

Like beer and smoke.

I wrinkled my nose as I walked by.

He frowned "What?"

I shrugged "You smell like... Uh... Kinda like—."

"Beer? Yeah, my dad drinks a lot, leaving me to clean up his mess."

He turned away from me and swam over to Linda.

She smiled and didn't say anything about how he smelt.

Andrew sat on a chair, waiting for Evan.

Alexander watched Trent swim.

I grabbed a piece of pizza and walked over to Andrew.

"Where's Evan?"

Andrew sighed "He's not coming, he had too much home work."

I nodded and sat down.

Alexander went for a swim and dived under water.

He came back up with Linda on his shoulders.

They laughed and fell back in the water.

It had only been thirty minutes when Alexander got out and dried off.

He always kept looking at his watch.

Probably planning to kidnap us at 7.

He frowned "S–sorry guys! I've got to go, stay as long as you like!"

Before we could say anything, he ran out.

We all ignored him and played around some more.

Trent about drowned me with water.

But Andrew got him back with a cannon ball.

The wave washed Trent across the pool.

After another hour or two, we all got out and dried off.

"That was so much fun."

"Maybe he'll invite us over again?"

Andrew nodded and opened his bag.

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