Timothy woods 3

11 3 0

I sat on the roof of the large building, staring down at the city I've called home for so long.

Tonight, I have a special meeting with some guy that attacked the heroes earlier.

Am I a hero?

No, I'm a villain obviously.

I'm the Destroyer.

Leader of my small team.

Sweetbeats is the leader of that wimpy team of heroes.

I can't stand that guy!

He's like... The most annoying person ever!

I shook the thought from my mind and waited for the man.

BeautyQueen landed on the roof by me.

Her long blonde hair came to her waist.

"He's not here yet."

She nodded and sat down on the edge of the building, glancing around the city below.

It was several minutes before a man appeared on the roof in front of us in a puff of smoke.

You can imagine my surprise when I saw his black hair and bright ember eyes.

For a moment, I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me.



Thanks to all those who've read so far!
What do you think of the story?
How do you feel about Alexander?
I'm sorry for all the short chapters, but I'll try to do multiple chapters a day to make up for it.
Thanks again for reading 😄

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