Fight or Flight?

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[Warning: Intense blood scene up ahead! Hope you guys like it!]

"Bye, Alex! Have a good night!"

"You too, Michael! Be safe! See ya tomorrow!"

Michael gave a small nod and a small smile as he opened the store's front door. Michael rubbed his hands together. Tonight was strangely cold, even for a autumn night in New Jersey. He shoved his hands in his hoodie's pocket and began his journey to his apartment.

Michael sighed at the blissful night and cherished the cold chill in his lungs. He loved nights like these. Michael preferred winter nights over summer ones because of a few reasons. He loved the chill that came with the season, he could warm up in a blanket in no time flat, rather than sweating his fucking balls off, and...because it kinda reminded him of himself.

The winter was cold and despised by many. No one would appreciate it, even when it really tried to get close to also held dark, icy secrets.

Michael shook his head. 'Don't get into that mindset. You'll just upset yourself.'

Michael had been so busy in his thoughts, he didn't hear the footsteps behind him until he was grabbed and thrown into a nearby alleyway.

Michael grunted and held back a groan as he landed on his left arm. He most likely sprang it from the harsh impact.

He looked up, eyes quickly adjusting to the darkness, and saw three figures. One held a knife, while the others held guns. A pistol and a shotgun, to be precise. Michael narrowed his eyes and slowly got up.

"So, pretty boy. Words gotten around that you, my friend, have some kind of...special ability."

Michael's eyes widened. 'How the hell did they know that?!' He mentally shook his head and composed himself again. His lived in New Jersey for a long time. He knew how to deal with threats.

"Yeah? So what if I do? What are you going to do about it, hotshot?" Michael emphasized you and ended the sentence with a growl.

The man with knife smiled. "We're here, to test that theory."

He lunged and Michael easily dodged him. Michael was grabbed from behind by the two other men and was shoved up against a wall. Michael let out a blood-chilling growl.

"You better let me go, or you'll be visiting hell very soon." Michael's voice was extremely husky. It was almost unrecognizable.

The men laughed. "Yeah right, kid. You're barely worth our time."

The leader punched him in the stomach. Michael let out a sound of pain as he doubled over slightly, not being successful with the other two pinning him down. The guy grabbed his knife and shoved it in Michael's shoulder. Michael screamed as the man began drilling it further into the muscle. Tears pricked into Michael's eyes.

"That's right, you little bitch. Scream."

Michael saw red.

He unhooked himself from the guys' hold. He grabbed one of them by the neck and claws had replaced Michael's fingernails. He squeezed the man's thoart, who began gurgling in his own blood. Michael smiled, showing fangs. The man's body went limp and Michael threw him to the side. He walked towards the other two, who were cowering against a brick wall.

"No where to run now, boys!"

They screamed.

Michael stared blankly at the bloodied wall. Whenever Michael blinked, he saw the mangled corpses that were only a few feet away from him. Michael rubbed his face realizing this to be a bad idea, for there was blood on his hand and now it was on his face. Michael let out a long, stressed sigh and stood up. He did the trick that made his wings, now black with red dots, disappear. Once completed, he made his way out of the alley and towards his apartment.

As soon as he step through the door, Michael had broken. He cried pretty much all night until he manage to shower and get to bed. He realized he didn't have anything to eat, but wasn't hungry anyways.

He checked his phone and saw a new message from Ray.

'Did you see it?! :D'

That was about an hour and a half ago. Michael closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He'd check his email in the morning.

After about a few minutes of mindless shuffling, Michael fell into a bloody nightmare. Literally.

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