One of the Best Nights.

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The next few days had gone by with absolute ease. Ray brought Michael with him when he went to work, with permission from both Burnie and Geoff. Michael helped with editing and would give the Hunters recommendations on games they should play. He wasn't in any of their videos, but every now and then, Michael would pipe up in their conversations.

A lot of subscribers were curious about him, but Geoff had doused that fire quickly, saying he might be hired to be an Achievement Hunter. The fans were ecstatic. They all loved Michael from his occasional outburst in videos, which they found hilarious.

Geoff was extremely impressed, wondering why the fans already loved Michael without even officially meeting him. Geoff had someone similar in line for joining the AH Crew, likable and different, but he could probably pull some strings to get them both in. They were both really good kids, but Geoff wondered how they would react to each other. He chuckled at the thought and went back to creating one of their GTA V Let's Plays.

Michael had stayed at Ray's apartment that day, feeling a bit under the weather, but was really just a bit tired. He sighed and looked at the time, 2:35. 'I could probably still help some at Rooster Teeth. The team should be wrapping up a Let's Play by now.' Michael got up and stretched, his wings flexing behind him. He put on some clothes, grabbed his wallet, phone, and the keys to the apartment. He shut the door and walked down the stairs, walking his and Ray's usual path to the workplace.

'Maybe I should get them something to eat...' He shook his head and placed his hands in his pockets. 'They would have already gone to lunch.' Michael looked both ways before quickly making his way to the designated building. He walked inside, nodding to Kara, the receptionist and a quirky woman at that, and walked into the office.

He noticed that everyone was looking at Geoff, who was explaining something it seemed like. They all noticed Michael pretty quickly, and immediately quieted. Michael heart stopped for a split second and he froze. 'They were talking about me, weren't they?!' Michael was always one to jump to conclusions. It wasn't he's fault though. He just has serious trust issues.

"-chael? Did you hear me?," Geoff said, his face full of concern. Michael shook his head slightly, "N-No, sir. Could you repeat that?" Geoff got suspicious. 'Michael never was formal to him or anyone else in Rooster Teeth. Something was wrong with him.,' Geoff ignored those thoughts and smiled at Michael. "I said, we're going to celebrate. Would you like to join us?" Michael blinked and raised an eyebrow. "Celebrate what?" Everyone laughed and had the biggest smiles on their faces. Ray spoke up, "Not what, Michael. Who? Celebrate who?" Everyone chimed in. "You!" They were all pointing to Michael.

"M-Me?" Michael's eyes widened. "Holy shit! I got in?! I got the job?!," Michael was practically screaming. Ray nodded and stood up, patting Michael's shoulder. "You did! And some other guy. He'll be here in a few days, and we'll celebrate his hiring then, but tonight, we're taking you drinking!" Everyone cheered and whooped.

Once everyone calmed down, Geoff cleared his thoart. "We'll be leaving soon, so you and Ray can already head out. Ray knows were the bar is, so we'll meet you there." The two nodded and before they left, Michael shook Geoff's hand in appreciation. "Thank you, Geoff. You won't regret this decision." The older man chuckled. "I never do, Michael. That's why all these idiots are here." "Hey!," the rest of the Hunters whined. Michael laughed and Ray finally manage to pull the Jersey man out of the building.

They were walking on the sidewalk in comfortable silence, Ray leading the way. Michael's smile wouldn't leave his face, his happiness warming the area around him. Ray's smiled faltered as he remembered something. He looked at Michael, curiosity shining in his gaze. "Michael?" Michael hummed in response, acknowledging Ray. "Back in the office, when you walked in, you looked like you saw a ghost. What was that all about?"

Michael stopped in his tracks, smile dropping almost instantly. "W-What are you talking about?" Ray stopped and turned around. "I'm talking about when-" "I was scared you guys were upset and talking badly about me.," Michael lied easily. Ray detected it just as quickly, but didn't press further. "No, dude. Why would we be talking bad about you? You're an awesome guy." Michael shrugged and they continued walking forward, finally reaching the destination.

They went inside and sat on the barstools. The bartender asking for their drinks, Michael ordering a strong beer, while Ray order a Coke. Michael didn't question his drink, already knowing the younger male didn't drink. The two chattered for about 15 minutes, Michael already finishing his beer and ordering another one by the time the rest of the guys showed up. The rest of the Hunters sat beside the two and ordered their beers.

The whole night was full of drunk banter and hilarious stories. It was one of the best nights Michael has ever experienced. Michael was completely shitfaced by the time Ryan and Ray took them all home, Michael never once noticing Ray's studying gaze.

·~· Sorry about not updating yesterday! I was busy with some summer reading! Sorry if this chapter is bad. I have a lot on my mind and more ideas for this story. I just didn't know what to do for this chapter, but it will get better. I got some plans for future chapters. I hope this is an okay chapter. Have a great day/night! Ciao~♥♡♥ ·~·

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