Who Knew Happiness would Ruin Everything.

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(Explanation: Hey guys! In my last chapter, I made the swimming date be the next day. I edited that to be the weekend, because I wanted more character development between Michael and Gavin. Don't worry though. This chapter is going to be really long. Sorry for the inconvenience. Enjoy!)

The next day, Michael walked into the office with Ray. He was extremely tired from playing Xbox all night with the Hispanic man, and ended up losing. So it was a lose - lose situation for Michael. Ray said he would get him some coffee from the company's kitchen and Michael thanked him. The older man opened the door and walked into the partially empty room, sitting in his chair. He sighed and closed his eyes, only to open them when he heard a chuckle. He gazed at the source, only to jerk awake when he made eye contact with the annoying Brit, receiving a small shock. Michael furrowed his eyebrows, 'Why was that a shock and not a burn?'

Before the brunette could dwell on the thought any longer, he felt something poke his temple. He flinched and heard the familiar laugh of Gavin, which sounded more like a bird squawking than a laugh. He looked over at the man, staring at his forehead or the middle of his nose, and frowned. "Really, Gavin? Throwing paper at me? What are you? A highschooler?" Gavin pouted and crossed his arms, looking very much like a child who didn't get their way. "Not nice, Michael. I was just waking you up. You were daydreaming again." Michael laughed and shook his head.

He turned on his Xbox and monitor, getting everything ready for the day's schedule, "For your information, Gavvy, I was thinking. Something you probably wouldn't understand." Gavin scoffed, Michael could tell the man was trying not to smile, "Michael-!" "Micool!," Ray mimicked the man's accent as he walked into the room, holding two cups of steaming coffee. Michael howled in laughter, while Gavin shook his head, "I don't get it. I'm saying his name right, you donuts." Michael and Ray looked at each other and started laughing.

Between gasps, Michael managed to get out, "-donuts! Haha! Is that...even an insult?!" Ray and Michael were practically in tears, and Gavin cheered up immediately, happy that he made the duo laugh this hard. Once the two calmed down, Michael thanked Ray for the drink and the rest of the hunters filed in.


For the rest of the week, Michael and Gavin became friends practically overnight. The two clicked so well together and the fans seemed to get a kick out of them. The night before the celebration, Michael was lying in his bed, staring at the ceiling. The man let out a deep sigh and closed his eyes. 'I can't believe I let myself get this close with someone. Especially in such a short amount of time. What happened to not getting close to anyone, Jones? You're just going to end up hurting someone, or worse. Hurting yourself.' But the more Michael thought about it, the less he cared. He was finally enjoying his life and was happy. So, that night, Michael had the best sleep he has had in a long while.


After work, on the day of Gavin's celebration, Michael and Ray went to a nearby clothing store to get Michael some swimming trunks, since he didn't have any in his possession. Ray commented how weird that was, which Michael replied with a simple, "I know." Ray looked at Michael with a shocked expression, "Have you never been swimming before?" Michael broke his gaze from the swimming wear to look at Ray. Michael shrugged, "I did when I was a kid."

Ray's mouth was ajar. "Just when you were a kid? What's wrong with your parents?!" Michael flinched and looked away from the Puerto Rican, replying with a quiet, "Nothing." Ray realized his mistake and placed a comforting hand on Michael's shoulder, "I-I didn't mean it...like that, Michael. I just...it's weird for someone to not really swim a lot, especially in their childhood." Michael chuckled. "I'm surprised you swam a lot. Considering you don't ever leave the apartment besides going to work." "Hey!" Ray playfully punched Michael's shoulder and they both chuckled. And that was the end of that conversation.

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