Pain and Nervousness. What a Lovely Combination.

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Michael had been in Texas for three days now. Him and Ray had done a lot of sightseeing in those days and it was absolutely awesome. When Michael had ask Ray why he was doing this for him instead of going to work, he simply shrugged and said he had told his boss he was taking a few days off to spend time with a good friend. Ray told his boss that his friend was interviewing for a job in Rooster Teeth, so his boss gave him a few days off.

Today was the fourth day and Michael had woken up at 4 in the morning, experiencing intense shoulder and back pain. It was 6 now and Michael was currently having a panic attack, something he hadn't done in a long time. He almost screamed when Ray opened his door, toothbrush in his mouth with toothpaste all over his cheeks and chin. The sight would have made Michael laugh if he wasn't dealing with all of this pain.

Michael didn't understand. Yesterday, all he felt was a slight uncomfortable sting. Why was it...oh. Michael came to the conclusion that when he had performed a healing spell awhile ago for his wing pain, he kept his wings sealed because he wasn't dealing with any of the pain. That's why it's suddenly kicking in and feeling like a train t-boned him in the back.

He was so deep in thought, he didn't realize Ray was running circles against his back, until the younger male spoke up.

"-chael. Hey! Michael!"

Michael flinched at the loud voice.

Ray let out a sigh of relief, glad he could finally get his friend to give him a reaction of some kind. "Michael," Ray's voice softened and Michael could practically hear the concern dripping from his friend's voice. "Hey, are you okay? You looked like you were about to tear your hair out."

Michael cleared his thoart and looked away from Ray. "Y-Yeah. I think I'm fine now." 'Quick!! Make a likely excuse!,' Michael thought to himself. He stood up, barely holding back a hiss from the sudden wave of pain that traveled through his body. "Sorry for worrying you. I just had a really bad nightmare." Ray opened his mouth, but Michael beat him to it. "No. I don't wanna talk about it. I'll just get ready and we can head off to work. Alright?"

Ray nodded his head, even though Michael wasn't facing him. Ray turned around and walked out the door, heading towards the bathroom to finally wash his mouth out. He had to swallow the toothpaste to talk to Michael and he would not be doing that again.

As soon as the door closed, Michael released a shaky breath. He slowly made his way to the door, locking it. He lifted his shirt he had slept in and summoned his wings, narrowly holding back a moan of relief. He gave the feathered appendages a good few flaps before he finally closed them back up. Michael relaxed for a few seconds before he grabbed a clean shirt from a drawer and some comfortable loose jeans. He grabbed his favorite beanie and while his was putting the hat on, he froze. Realization struck him like a meteor.

He had an interview today. Michael's heart quickened in his chest as he thought of every situation of how it would go, almost all of them tragic. Michael practically slapped himself. 'Stop thinking like that! You're fucking Michael "Rage Quit" Jones for fuck's sake. Of course you're gonna get in. Stop thinking like that and man the hell up.' Michael nodded to himself, feeling a little bit like an idiot for pumping himself up, but couldn't give two shits.

He adjusted his glasses and opened the door. He walked into the bathroom, brushed his teeth, and went back into his room to grab a small bag he had prepared for himself last night for the interview. All it had were a few papers and some of his belongings such as his phone, wallet, etc. Nothing too special. He adjusted the satchel to his shoulder and finally put on his socks and shoes.

He exited his room and walked into the living room, noticing Ray talking in the phone in a hushed voice. All Michael manage to catch was, "-don't be too harsh and keep an eye on him." Michael eyes widened and his thoart clenched. 'What the fu-' Ray said his goodbyes and he almost walked into Michael. "Oh! Hey! Are you ready?" Michael blinked a few times. "Yeah. S-Sorry about this morning." Ray gave him a reassuring smile and placed a hand on his shoulder. Michael managed to not flinch. "Don't worry about it Michael. If you need anything when we're there, just let me know. 'Kay?" Michael nodded slightly. "Okay! Let's go get you that job!" As Michael was practically dragged outside, he couldn't help but feel uneasy. 'Was Ray talking about him? Did he know? Or am I just overreacting?'

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