Rooster Teeth.

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Michael had practically forgot all of those thoughts as soon as they reached Rooster Teeth. The building looked simple enough, with its name in silver letters. Michael was shaking with nervousness. Ray glanced at him and put an arm around his shoulders. He gave him a tight squeeze and placed his hand on the door. "You ready?," he said, voice tipped with concern. Michael took in a shaky breath and nodded, unable to speak at the moment. Ray nodded and opened the door.

When the door had shut behind them, Michael had been expecting, well, something not this loud. A good bit of noise came from each individual rooms, but combined it was pretty obnoxious. Luckily, Michael adapted to the sound almost instantly, being from a loud city and all. He notice Ray was waiting at one of the first doors in front of the hallway, his hand already on the handle. Michael swallowed and walked towards him. Ray slowly opened the door.

Inside revealed three older men. One was on a white couch, to Michael's left, with his setup on a small table. He had dirty blonde hair, icy blue eyes, and an eerie vibe. To the right of the man was a bigger desk that was colored black, like the rest of the desks in the room. Occupying the desk, was a dark brunette with an astouding mustache. He was a bit scrawnier than the other men, but it suited him. He had dark blue eyes, and though he looked exhausted, his eyes had a warm, cheerful spark to them. Finally, to the right of that individual, was a stockier man than the other two. He had ginger hair and the most amazing beard that Michael has ever seen. He had glasses pushed with against his nose, aiding his chocolate brown eyes.

Michael already knew the men, having been a fan for quite a while. The far left was the devious, but kind-hearted, Ryan Haywood. The far right was the cheerful Jack Pattilo. Lastly, the man in the middle, the man who started this group Michael had dreamed to join for ever, the drunkard, Geoff Ramsey.

All of them were focusing intently on their computer monitors. Ryan was the first to notice them. He looked Michael up and down and gave him a warm smile. He removed his headphones and stood from the couch, outstretching a hand to the curly-haired man. Michael's grin widened as he shook his hand, both giving an equally strong grip. When they pulled away, Ray stepped out from behind Michael, a huge grin on his face. "Michael, this is Ryan Haywood. Ryan, this is Michael Jones." Ryan nodded his head slightly. "Nice to finally meet you, Mr. Rage Quit." Michael and Ray chuckled. "It's nice to finally see you in person, Mad King." Ryan gave a laugh that sent a chill down Michael's spine, but made his eyes lit up in excitement.

'Holy shit! This is actually happening!,' Michael thought to himself like a teenage girl. Jack noticed us next and stood from his chair. Moving closer to the trio, he outstretched his hand as well. Michael shook in the same firm grasp and Jack gave him a welcoming smile. Ray opened his mouth, but Jack lifted up a hand to stop the Hispanic male from continuing. "No need, Ray. I already know who he is." Jack looked at Geoff, who was still staring at his monitor and tapped him on the shoulder.

The moustached male sighed and removed his headphones. "I'm kinda busy, Jack. Can't this-oh." Geoff was now turned around and staring directly at Michael. The gaze had Michael wanting to flee, especially now that he could see Geoff's many tattoos on his arms. Michael had a few himself, but not as many, nor as complex, as the opposing male.

Geoff stood up and took a step towards Michael. 'He's a lot more intimidating than I thought he would be.' The older male narrowed his eyes at Michael and opened his mouth to speak, but Jack beat him to it.

"Stop fucking around, Geoff! You're scaring the piss outta him!" Geoff leaned back and laughed a laugh that could cure cancer. Michael let out a breath and smiled at him. Geoff calmed his laughter and gave the younger man a grin. He offered Michael his hand, which he took and shook it happily.

"So, Michael," Geoff said after they released each other's hands. Michael could depict a slightly southern accent, more specifically, an Alabama one. "What say we take our meeting to another room, yes? It should only take a few minutes." Michael grinned and nodded, his heart was pounding rapidly in his chest from excitement and nervousness. Ray patted him on his back and shouted. "YOLO!" Ryan smacked the back of his head and they all started laughing.

Geoff and Michael exited the room and the older man lead Michael to a room in the back. He opened the door for the slightly shorter male and entered behind him. Inside the room was a medium sized conference table and four chairs. There was a flat screen t.v., but it look like no one had been in the room for a while. They both sat down on two leather chairs, exactly across from each other. Michael opened his satchel as Geoff began. "So Michael..."

The two men exited the room. Geoff came to a halt outside of the Achievement Hunter office. "You're pretty impressive, Michael. You got a very high chance of making it in. You can stay for the day in the extra desk. I have a few more people registering for jobs here, so you'll get you results in about four days. That sound good?" Michael nodded and Geoff gave him a smile, a smile that looked like a father's proud grin to a son. As Geoff opened the door, Michael flinched painfully, the smile had sent a knife through his heart, but he ignored it and entered the room.

Michael sat in the desk beside Ray, who was in the far right of the room. During the rest of the day, Ray and Michael played several games and Michael even helped him with editing some of their videos. After lunch, which they had all gone to TacoBell, Ray and Michael went back to Ray's apartment after Geoff said Ray could leave early, because there wasn't anything schedule for today. They entered the apartment and Michael went to his room, while Ray stayed in the living room to play some Titanfall.

Michael fell onto the bed, face first, and sighed. He rolled over and stared at the ceiling, going through all of the day's events. He smiled and closed his eyes. 'Everything was going to be okay.'

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