1. The New Neighborhood (Part 1)

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A/N: hey, wish me luck. I'm gunna try not to make this in Part 1 and etc. Because that's probably frustrating. Anyway thanks for reading and please, comment on how I did. -Gerard


Frank wasn't all that sure about moving into a new neighborhood, especially the town his mother, Linda had chosen. Belleville, New Jersey. He had done a fair share of Googling the location and read some articles about dead bodies found in ponds near the local park. And that park wasn't too far from the house Linda had chosen. Frank wanted to be okay with moving, but he had brought down all he had built up back in his old town, he had finally overcome all the Jocks who had bullied him. He fought back and got his revenge. Now he up and moved away.

Linda decided to finally move since she had finally gotten the money ever since her husband had left. She was happy that she could finally get out of the old house, it had brought he too many bad memories. She assumed Frank would be fine in the new school.

Frank stared at the back of the U-Haul in front of them, the vehicle was guiding then to their new home. He looked out the window on the drivers' side and saw a skinny blonde lady in the garden pulling weeds. Beside her stood a lanky tall boy with mousy brown hair who was flipping his Nokia Razor phone open and closed. He said something to her, she paused and looked at him and said something back. Frank looked at the house, in the window there were two faces. One was a pale white face, and the other was pale but nor as pale. The not as pale one had sunglasses on. Frank accidentaly made eye contact through the windows with the palest person but he quickly looked away and pulled at the loose strings of his fingerless gloves.

"Alright, Frankie. That's our new house." Linda said nudging his shoulder and smiling. He scratched his head, the short bleached hairs on the side of his head tickled his fingertips, he brushed the black fringe out of his eye and tousled the faux-hawk.

"Great." Frank muttered, he watched the U-Haul pulled into the driveway and the man who drove it hopped out and opened the back. All their left over furniture that couldn't be taken here earlier was in the back. Frank grabbed his bags and walked up to the U-Haul and looked at the tall burly man. The burly man handed him a lamp. "I'm not that weak ya know." Frank spat at him, he sighed and walked up to the front door where Linda was unlocking it. He carried the bags inside and set his items down where Linda had put her bags.

"Oh, hello!" Linda said at the doorway. Frank turned and looked to see who she was talking to. It was the lady from the next door garden.

"Hi, I'm Donna Way, I'm your neighbor. I was just checking to see if you'd like an extra hand. My son is free to help." Donna said smiling and shaking Linda's hand.

"That'd be nice. I'm Linda Iero, my son could use a new friend." Linda said smiling equally. Frank walked up to stand beside his mother, he looked at Donna.

"You must be her son." Donna said smiling bigger.

"Yea, I'm Frank." Frank said, he extended his hand.

"I'm Donna Way, please call me Donna." She said she rook his hand and shook it firmly. Frank smiled awkwardly at her. "So would you want to hang out with my son while you unpack? I'm sure he wouldn't mind, maybe get to know him before Schooling starts for you." Donna asked.

"Uh, if he doesn't mind, I guess so." Frank mumbled nervously. Donna smiled and took a few steps back out onto the porch and waved her arm in a 'come here' motion. The boy with mousy brown hair and thick rimmed glasses scampered over quickly, his Anthrax t-shirt showing his heaving chest as he ran. Frank assumed the boy was out of shape. The boy was taller than him by a lot, but then again, he was really short.

"Frank, this is my son Michael." Donna said motioning at the two.

"Hey, uh, call me Mikey." The mousy haired boy said with a smile.

"Hi." Frank said shyly.

"Mikey will you help them unpack their things?" Donna asked her son. He looked at her and nodded his head.

"Sure." Mikey said calmly.

"Alright, now I best be off to the garden and then start dinner and call Gerard and Bert up from their den." Donna said, she shook Linda and Frank's hand again and excused herself. Linda disappeared the Frank looked up at Mikey awkwardly.

"Uh, j don't really need help. You can leave if you want." Frank said quietly.

"I'd rather not be home when Gerard and Bert come upstairs actually, so please. Let me help you." Mikey said quickly. Frank was taken aback, but then nodded his head. The two boys went outside to the U-Haul and picked up things and carried them in while Linda decorated and moved furniture around the house to her liking. By the time it was 5:30, Frank and Mikey were up in Frank's room. Frank was unpacking and Mikey was taping up his band posters.

"You have a nice taste in music dude." Mikey said as he read a few of the posters.

"Thanks, you like em?" Frank asked.

"Yea, Iron Maiden is like..godly." Mikey said grinning as he posted a Iron Maiden poster up with tape. Frank smiled back.

"They're badass." Frank agreed.

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