7. The Gathering

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A/N: I'm staying at my Gram's house yet again and writing for you people. I'd really I would like some comments on this, I really need to know whether I should continue this. Comment, vote, and maybe write an essay. I've decided that I'm going to be more strict about who I give dedications to..and I need an essay on how my writing style is or on the cover. Because 1. they're fun to read. 2. Hello dedications


Gerard stopped throwing up around maybe sixth hour during that day. He couldn't believe what he did to Bruce. He never thought he had the strength like that to actually harm another person other than himself. And did he trust Frank? Did he trust Frank when he said he could never hate the boy?

Gerard was in the car now, he was driving Mikey and Frank back to the Way house, behind them was Bob's pickup truck with Jepha and Ray in the other seats in the cab. Behind that car was Bert, Quinn, and Dan in the small car behind Bob's pickup. Gerard was rather surprised that he was still able to drive even though he was still slightly nauseous. When Gerard pulled his Cadillac into the driveway of the Way household he looked at Frank.

"I'm formally inviting you to our weekly Gathering, Sir Frankie." Gerard said smirking at him. Frank blushed a bit and smiled.

"Thanks, Gee." Frank said slightly whispering. Mikey grinned at Gerard and got out of the caddilac and went into the house. "Do I need anything?" Frank asked curiously. Gerard shook his head.

"We can walk over to your house if you need anything, ya know." Gerard told him. Frank nodded his head. The two boys got out of the car and as the other Gang were making their way to Mikey who stood in the doorway. "We'll be right back." Gerard told the two and they all nodded walked up the front porch and disappeared inside the house with Mikey. Gerard and Frank crossed the lawn and walked up to his house. When they walked inside, Frank looked around the kitchen and found Linda on the couch watching the movie Click. Aw..that movie makes me cry. Gerard thought as Frank walked over to the couch.

"Hey, Mom?" Frank asked leaning over the edge of the couch. Linda paused the movie and looked at him, she stood up and took his arm and brought him into the kitchen where Gerard still stood. She looked him up and down for a second and smiled smally.

"Frank, want to tell me why I got a call from the school?" Linda asked crossing her arms.

"A call...from the school?" Frank asked, his voice wavering. Gerard bit his lower lip.

"Uh, Mrs. Iero, I can probably take the blame for that." Gerard said before Linda said something else. She looked at him with narrowed eyes, they were brown, not golden like Frank's.

"What do you mean? Take the blame? Frankie you are in trouble, deep trouble. It is your second day and the principal called to tell me you were in a fight? I thought we agreed to never fight again." Linda said.

"Mom, I wasn't in a fight." Frank said truthfully.

"Mrs. Iero, I can explain everything for you." Gerard began, she cut him off with an evil glare. He felt himself grow paler, he hated glares like that, mostly from a parental figure. "I was the one who got in a fight." Gerard told her, she crossed her arms tightly across her chest.

"I got a call that Frank got in a fight, not you. I don't even know who you are, so why are you butting in on this private thing? This is about Frank getting in trouble." Linda said, her voice was raising, yelling almost.

"Whoa, Mom. Stop freaking out, he's right, I didn't get in a fight." Frank said putting his hands up defensively.

"Really, Mrs. Iero, Frank didn't get in any physical fights at all these two days he's been in Belleville." Gerard told her, she looked at him with an even harder glare then saw the innocence in Frank's face. She sighed and drooped her head.

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