8. Oh Shit, You Saw?

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A/N: I don't know when I'll be able to update next week cause Gram is going out of town and I don't have a computer. Anyway, this chapter might be brief because I'm really tired..like tired beyond belief. Anywho, comment, vote, and read. -Gerard


Frank was curled up in Gerard's bed when he woke up, he was in between Bert and Gerard on the large mattress. He slowly sat up and rubbed his eyes, he looked around, the rest of the boys were randomly around the room sleeping on either the floor or the couch. Mikey was actually sleeping on the table where he had a empty beer bottle in his arms. He looked at the clock on Gerard's dresser, it was just around eleven.

He nudged Gerard's shoulder and the pale boy rolled over and grumbled a bit in his sleep, when Frank put a hand on his shoulder and shook him again Gerard's hazel eyes snapped open and locked onto Frank's. "hmmmm?" Gerard mumbled through half opened eyes. Frank looked at him for a moment.

"I'm going to go home." Frank began.

"Is it cause we kissed?" Gerard asked with a slightly scared expression.

"What?? N-no no, it has nothing to do with that." Frank said quickly.

"You're lying.." Gerard whispered.

"No I'm not, Gee." Frank said trying to assure him. Gerard sighed and nodded.

"Alright..I'll see you around." Gerard muttered.

"Thanks for letting me stay." Frank said with a slight smile. Gerard nodded and Frank crawled overtop of Gerard and onto the floor and picked up his bag. He walked upstairs and went to the front door and out to the front lawn. Belleville was quiet in the mornings. Frank crossed to his yard and walked through the front door. He went to the laundry room and tossed his clothes into the wash-machine. He then got dressed and walked back into the kitchen to have some fruit.

Linda sat in the kitchen as well, she was drinking coffee and eating a bagel and cream cheese. She had her eyes on him. They were suspicious. "Frank." Linda said.

"What?" Frank asked looking up at her from his fruit bowl.

"Last night. I saw you, Gerard and some boy outside with a blonde boy." Linda told him. Frank's eyes widened.

"Oh shit, you saw?" Frank asked with a panicked tone. Linda sighed and nodded.

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