1.5. The New Neighborhood (Part 2)

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A/N: yeah, I guess I lied on the first Author's Note given to the fact that this is indeed titled (Part 2). I was gunna put it all together, but it was late and I was exhausted and I'm a pain in the fucking meese to wake up in the morning. So sorry :( tell me how I did :P -Gerard


The two talked about music and then they finished unpacking and laid on the centre of the floor flipping through songs on Frank's iPod it rested on Die, Die My Darling by The Misfits. They laid there staring at the ceiling. "So who's Gerard and Bert?" Frank asked suddenly, he had been wondering who they were the whole time. Were those two the faces in the window?

"Gerard is my older brother, Bert is his friend, they're like..best friends. Sometimes people say they're Gay for each other. But I don't think Gerard goes like that, Bert either. I mean, sometimes they kiss, nut that's on drunken dares." Mikey explained. "Kind of funny really, Bert's a funny drunk."

"Drinking?" Frank asked with wide eyes.

"Yea, drinking. Ya know, alcohol?" Mikey said with his eyebrows knit together tightly along his forehead.

"As in your brother and his friend drink to get shit faced?" Frank asked.

"Yes..but not all the time. Normally at our Gatherings." Mikey answered nodding his head as if to agree with something. Maybe himself?

"Gatherings? What are you from, the middle ages?" Frank asked with a smirk.

"Sometimes I wonder.." Mikey said with a vacant stare at the wall, Frank looked at him hard until Mikey cracked a grin. "Its what our group calls it when we all hang out." Mikey told Frank. Frank nodded.

"Cool, that sounds interesting. So its more than just you, Gerard, and Bert?" Frank asked.

"Yea, its me, Ray, Bob, Gee, Bert, Jepha, Quinn, and Dan. Its just our little group I guess. No one else really hangs out with us because we're weird I guess. Not many people at school appreciate the 'darkness' of us. Plus we have Gatherings, that's pretty badass." Mikey explained, he talked with his hands slightly. Frank found that amusing.

"Do you guys just get drunk, or what?" Frank asked.

"No, we hang out, play videogames, sometimes go to some concerts. Everybody occasionally gets high, but its all fun. Partying with eight people." Mikey answered. "You should come by on Friday. That's when we normally do it, but since you live next door, maybe you and I can hang out more." Mikey suggested friendly-like. Frank smiled at him and nodded his head. It would be nice having a friend living so close by in a dangerous town. Maybe people wouldn't beat him up at his new school because he was hanging out with Mikey, Mikey was pretty tall. Maybe 6"1 or 5"11. Frank on the other hand was 5"5. He didn't really like being short, but he knew his temper was much larger. He assumed people wouldn't mess with Mikey, he was really big and tall, not so much muscled, but he could probably be intimidating if he tried hard enough.

"I guess I could, I don't want to intrude or anything." Frank said nervously, he awkwardly moved his fringe out of his eyes again, it was a nervous habit of his. Along with chewing his lip ring.

"I'm sure none of the boys would care. You'll probably meet them at school. Sophomore, right?" Mikey asked.

"Yea, what about you?" Frank asked.

"Yep. Bert and Gerard are Seniors. Jepha, Dan, Quinn, Ray, and Bob are all Juniors." Mikey explained.

"Oh, so I wont be alone? That's good to hear. I don't want to he alone." Frank said chuckling lightly. Mikey gave him a hard look, a Poker Face. It lasted a few seconds until he sighed heavily.

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