6. Sir, You Gotta Remember, The Bullet Goes In Your Skull

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A/N: This is done at my Gram's house on her computer, so I can like...correct my misspelling and I can put things like this in bold haha. Anyway, I am at my Gram's writing this for you, ya little motherfuckers :) hope you enjoy, read, comment, vote. and Yeah. By the way, if you weren't aware of me and EmberWolf's joint account CyanideMoon we have a fanfic going, you should check it out. Anywho, there's these essay things, if you give me an essay on how good my cover is, which is made by me, then you'll get a dedication. It has to be good though, no "hey i like your cover, gimme dedication now" None of that. -Gerard


Frank and Gerard woke up late that morning, it was hard for Frank to actually wake the sleeping bear known as Gerard. He probably wasn't an early riser, plus the guy always seemed tired to Frank. Yet that was probably because he was a sort of Vampire and was drunk a lot. Frank didn't' really like the fact that Gerard was always drinking, but he couldn't really stop him. He was hoping that Gerard would take his advice and stop drinking away the horrible memories.

By the time the two boys were up and ready, which involved Frank making two pots of coffee. Gerard could guzzle coffee down like a car burned gasoline. But they got outside and over to the Way household yard and Mikey was just walking out, he looked half asleep. It was around 7:40. Wow, Mikey's hair is pretty crazy today. Reminds me a bit of a bird's nest.. Frank thought as they got to Gerard's car.

"Thanks, Gerard." Mikey said grumpily, Gerard looked at him with tired eyes, if Frank didn't know Gerard, he would always assume that Gerard had been drinking and was going through a hangover.

"For what?" Gerard asked confused, he started the vehicle and pulled it out of the driveway.

"Not waking me up, cause you were at this baffoon's house." Mikey grumbled.

"Sorry." Frank whispered from the back seat.

"Why the hell were you there anyway? I didn't hear you leave last night." Mikey said.

"I climbed off the roof." Gerard said nonchalantly. He had a Styrofoam cup with a lid on it full of his fourth cup of coffee. Frank made him a bunch of cups earlier, and it took him seconds to drink one. Frank was sure that he would probably die of a caffeine heart rush or something like that.

"You got the shit beaten out of you yesterday and you still risked jumping off the roof to go sneak into Frank's house?" Mikey asked a little concerned.

"I can't help it, he's just soo....adorable." Gerard replied smirking a crooked smirk. Mikey rolled his eyes and pulled out his phone, Frank looked at Gerard a little confused, but shook it off and stared at the road ahead. The rest of the car ride to school was silent. By the time they got to school they were a minute or so late. The group of boys literally ran to their lockers and went to their classes. Frank managed to get to his English and sit down by Bert before the teacher took attendance and before the teacher even noticed the bell rang. Frank was sure that the teacher didn't even know he came in late.

"Hey there Freshmeat." Bert said smiling, Frank was surprised, Bert's hair wasn't greasy anymore. Gerard's looked so much more greasier now if he could compare them, but he didn't care whether their hair was greasy, they were just boys. It didn't really fucking matter.

"Hi, Bert." Frank said pulling out a notebook. "Are you gunna pay attention this time today?" Frank asked.

"Uh, d'you mind takin' notes for me?" Bert asked lazily.

"You have got to be kidding me." Frank grumbled. Bert smiled and shook his head.

"I'm kiddin, bro. I'll do my work today. I slept better than I did the night before, besides its Friday. I don't want homework." Bert said, he stretched his arms out and pulled a pencil out of his binder. The teacher passed out papers, Frank guessed that it was for a worksheet, and sure enough it was. Him and Bert kept sharing answers. By the 30minute mark for the rest of the class they were done and turned it in. That's all the teacher had scheduled for today, so they could piss it away for the rest of the hour.

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