12. A Bloody Drunken Mess

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It was around ten at night, Frank had already said goodnight to his mother. No matter how much he was mad at her, he wanted to gain her trust back.

Gerard: Hey Frankie.

Frank looked at his phone, a slight smirk on his lips. Gerard still texted him. No matter what.

Frank: Hi, Gerard. Wanna do me a favor?

Gerard: Depends on what it is.

Frank: Come over for the night.

Gerard: Okai. I'll be over in a couple minutes.

Frank set his phone down, opened his window and laid on his bed. He was tired, but he really wanted to see Gerard before he had to avoid him again. He closed his eyes. He could stay awake until Gerard got there. But he was wrong, he fell asleep quickly.

He had a mini-dream that Gerard had come over, but Linda walked in. He grunted in his sleep angrily, and then he felts cold hand on his shoulder, and there were drips of water coming down onto his face.

Frank's eyes shot open and Gerard was leaning over him, almost soaking wet. Frank heard the pouring rain. "Gee..its raining." Frank mumbled, Gerard smirked and slid off his Chuck Taylors and walked to the window and slid it silently closed.

"Really? I had no idea." Gerard said sarcastically. Frank smiled and sat up looking at the clock. It was 10:30.

"What took you so long?" Frank asked. Gerard shrugged and ran his fingers through his soaked hair. "Gerard..I know you're lying.." Frank said crossing his arms.

"A tiny lie.." Gerard muttered, he pulled up the bottom of his shirt where now Frank could see his hips. In the waistband of his jeans was a bottle of Jack Daniels.

"Really Gerard?" Frank asked.

"Well yeah, gotta keep hydrated." Gerard said with a smirk to himself.

"Oh..Gerard.." Frank breathed. "Its wrong." Frank said. Gerard shook his head and pulled it out of his jeans and opened it. "If you're gunna drink, I get a few." Frank said.

"Anytime." Gerard said nodding his head. He took a drink straight from the bottle. He then held out the bottle to Frank who hesitantly took it. He took a small sip and set it down on the dresser beside his bed.

"You're soaking wet Gee." Frank said getting up. Gerard nodded and sniffled. "Want a towel?" Frank asked. Gerard nodded once more. Frank got up and walked to the bathroom to get towels and Gerard ended up following him while pulling off his hoodie and his black Iron Maiden shirt.

"Why don't we just get drunk?" Gerard asked. Frank handed him a towel and Gerard began to dry his torso off.

"Because..that's not why I asked for you to come over." Frank said.

"I can't see you any other time." Gerard stated.

"I know.. but you'll stay tonight, right?" Frank asked.

"Of course." Gerard said nodding. He dried his hair as much as he could.

"Did you bring a change of clothes?" Frank asked. Gerard shook his head.

"No, sorry." Gerard whispered.

"Its fine." Frank replied. Gerard continued to dry himself off and even attempted to dry off his pants. When he was done Frank took the towel that was now sodden and hugged Gerard tightly. Gerard hugged him back, his one arm positioned awkwardly around him. When Frank pulled away he looked at Gerard's arms. The cuts weren't close to healing, Frank could tell that they were fresh from today. "Why'd you do it today?" Frank asked.

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