19. Keep Your Lips Sealed To Hide Your Lies

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A/N: Okami...that is a fun addictive thing. Be warned if you ever get it.

Please, comment and tell me how I did. Any kind of comment is welcome be it mean, nice, rude, or whatever. Talk about flowers and guppies if you want.

But please comment. <3 -Gerard


Gerard sat back at the foot of the bed staring at Frank who was still "asleep". But Gerard knew that he was faking it. Gerard sighed heavily and flicked Frank's thigh. Frank opened his eyes and looked at him.

"You're not sneaky." Gerard said, he smirked lightly. He wasn't in the greatest of moods, Frank could tell. Frank sat up and frowned.

"I know.. but your Dad woke me up." Frank said quietly. Gerard nodded. "Jason said you and I looked 'warmed up to eachother' what did he mean?" Frank asked.

"We were really close together, Frankie." Gerard said raising an eyebrow. "My Dad seemed mad." He added.

"I'm sorry, its my fault." Frank said frowning.

"I was holding you, Frank." Gerard assured him. "It was my fault, Sugar." Gerard whispered. Frank nodded slowly and leaned on him. The basement was cold, but Frank had been under blankets and Gerard was freezing, colder than the room and lightly shaking.

"Were you scared?" frank asked looking at him with his head on Gerard's shoulder. Gerard looked at him with a vacant expression.

"In a way." Gerard whispered.

"Why? I don't think you did anything wrong." Frank said nervously.

"Yea, I guess. I was scared cause I thought they would take me away." Gerard muttered.

"They wouldn't. I wouldn't let them." Frank said with a small smile. Gerard blinked at him and smirked slightly. It wasn't a real smirk or a happiness, there was almost a veil of shadows over his eyes.

"I guess I should go talk to Dad. You can go bug Mikey." Gerard said dully. Frank nodded and stood up tugging Gerard up as well. The two boys went upstairs and made it to the kitchrn, Mikey was making coffee.

"Hey, Gee, want any?" Mikey asked looking at his brother. Frank went to go watch Mikey make coffee.

"No, where's Dad?" Gerard asked, Mikey almost dropped his mug.

"The King Of Sass and Darkness, Gerard Arthur Way, doesn't want coffee?" Mikey asked in disbelief. "He's out in the garage fixing his chainsaw. He's gunna cut down a tree for Mrs. Iero." Mikey answered.

"Okay." Gerard slurred, he tooj a sip from Mikey's mug and held it in his mouth as he fished through the cuoboards for his Xanax bottle. He then pushed a pill between his lips and swallowed it down with coffee.

He gave them a solemn look and then looked away and made his way to the front door. Frank began to wonder if Gerard was a vampire and if he had powers. It waa never sunny when he stepped outside. Frank looked at Mikey who had a mischevious expression.

"I dunno 'bout you, but I am gunna go watch them through the garage window." Mikey said, he walked away. Frank followed him and they went to the livingroom and Mikey faced the window that was cfacing the garage. He cracked it slightly and they could see the whole garage.

Gerard appeared, he stood awkwardly, his hands at his sides fiddling with the hem of his shirt. Donald was fixing a piece on his car, but he turned and looked at Gerard. "Yes?" Donald asked, his eyes grazed Gerard's arms then stared passed him. Avoiding eyecontact with his son.

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