25. I Love You, Gerard

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A/N: Hey guys, so, I've now got like..uh...five stories I'm working on. So please, do me a favor and don't rush me. I've been having crappy sleep as well so I'm tired a lot. So anyway, hope you enjoy. Read, comment, etc bro. -Gerard


Frank sat in his kitchen with Linda, they were both eating. Frank hadn't been with Mikey a lot for the passed few days, he totally understood why though. The death of their Grandma had been hard on him. Frank had grown close to the old lady as well, she was friendly as hell.

Frank was allowed to go to the funeral when it was being held in the next few days. He just felt like he would be the awkward one out there. He knew that the Gang would be there as well. Everyone who had known her was going to be there.

"So is Gerard coming back for the funeral?" Linda asked stuffing a slice of pork chops into her mouth. Frank stared at his plate, ot was just a salad and a random assortment of fruits. His mother was still assholish when it came to Gerard or even anyone she didn't know. Yet she liked Mikey.

"I...I'm not sure if he is or not." Frank replied taking a forkfull of salad onto his metalic silverwear.

"If he does, I hope he's alright. I remember you and Mikey talking about Mrs. Rush and him and her being close." Linda said. Frank nodded his head slowly, she actually listened or maybe even cared? Frank blinked a few times and sighed.

"Why'd you listen?" Frank asked.

"Because you boys talk loud sometimes." Linda answered. "Oh, I've got some news to tell you." Linda said with a grimace. He went rigid, what was her news? He looked up at her with half closed curious eyes. "Your father called." She said.

"Why did he call?" Frank asked.

"Well I thought it was your father, but it was actually Grampa Iero, he wanted to know if you'd like to stay with them during your thanksgiving break up in Manhattan." Linda explained. Frank loved hid grandparents, they always treated him like a person rather than a child of lower authority.

"For how long?" Frank asked curiously, he did want to get away from Linda for a while. She had been more strict and gave him curfews to go next door. She thought that if he hung out with Mikey him and Mikes' would end up kissing as well. Frank scoffed at that. He didn't want to leave Mikey behind though, yet Mikey and Ray were always hanging out.

"The day your break starts and the dau before it ends. You'd be there for about a week and a half." Linda told him. He grinned.

"Yes, I would like to go." Frank said polietly. Maybe he could get his mind off of everything. Take in a new scenery, take a break from life. Linda nodded.

"Alright, I will call them after I'm done eating." Linda said smiling. Frank continued eating and smiled to himself, break was next week. He couldn't wait.


Frank sat in the shade of his backyard underneath a large willoe tree, he was writing music sheets, his guitar leaned against the trunk beside him. He was in pants and a hoodie which concealed his Misfits shirt.

He had a nice tune going on in his head when a shadowy figure approached him. He glanced at the leaves in front of him and saw a shadow. He didn't think anything of it until a hand grapped the paper and pencil from his grasp and took it away plopping it down in the grass.

The body stood over him and flopped down onto his lap. Frank squeaked in shock and looked up at the larger body of Gerard. It was fucking Gerard. Frank stared at him for a moment, not believing that he was there. Gerard's hazel eyes locked with his own and there was a long silence.

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