Long Day

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I glanced at Kuroo, I knew shit was about to go down. I grabbed Kuroo's hand and tried to pull him away from Oikawa. But that totally failed. Kuroo didn't even move an inch away from standing were he already was. "Tetsuro p-please lets go..." you begged while getting worried by the second. "Sorry babe...but I have to have a little chat with Oikawa over here." He answered while slowly getting closer to Oikawa.
     Kuroo didn't even care if he was about to get kicked out, he had one thing on his mind. That thing was to....get Oikawa as far from you as possible. Kuroo grabbed Oikawa by collar of his shirt, "Listen here, if you dare touch (Name), I will make your life hell you fucking piece of trash." He slowly put Oikawa down and grabbed your hand smiling, pretending like nothing happened. "Let's go (Name)"
     "So Kuroo why are you here?" I asked while Kuroo speed walked to the table were I left my things."Well, Bokuto and Me are making a group project together...so we needed to do out research." That explains a lot from all the books laying around in our house. Yeah...our house, we moved a couple of months ago. "But Bokuto didn't do the PART of his WORK that he need to do." Kuroo continued while death glaring at Bokuto.
"Hey pal~!" Reji waved Kuroo while having a bunch of books in his hands. "Hey Reji-San, I was kinda...interrupted...at finding books that can help me at my quiz, are you good at Science by any chance?"
"Yeah I c-" "FOUND IT!!!!!" Bokuto yelled on the hole library, I'm pretty sure every person that was in that building moved their eyes away from their books and told him to shut the fuck up at the same time. Bokuto came back to Kuroo pouting like a little child and almost even crying. I giggled and then commented "What did you find so important?" He grinned and said "I found y-" and there goes Kuroo smacking back of Bokuto's Head. "It's a habit sorry" Bokuto whispered shouted while rubbing the spot where Kuroo hit him multiple times. The four of you studied together the hole day, before Bokuto got kicked us out....which Reji and Kuroo were pissed at.
The next day at college, me and Reji had the same class together. But bad part about it is, Oikawa was in the same class. This class in particular was always about teamwork and projects. So Reji got pissed when all three of us had to work on a project together. I mean I wasn't happy either, but I didn't go into full rage mode like Reji-San. Even tho Reji-San and Oikawa work in the same volleyball team, they don't get along very well...actually no...scratch that, they don't get along together at all. So here I was in this big mess. I actually sacrificed Reji to Oikawa, so he sits next to him now while I'm only 2 desks away, cause I'm not sitting next to trash.
   Oikawa and Reji tried to work together....after they completely failed and begged me to come into the conversation and help them. I started tapping my pencil while reading the instructions on the paper carefully of what we have to do. I grabbed a piece of paper and started writing ideas down that we could do.

  'This is going to be a long week....'

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