Questions and Some Updates

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Do not read if you didn't read all the chapters! Spoiler warnings!!

I am so sorry that I did not post for a week, I posted the chapter 'Girlfriend' today. I had a lot on my plate and I hope that you guys can understand. T^T

Some Questions

1) Should I make the chapter 'Girlfriend' the ending?

I'm thinking this should be the ending of this book, because SPOILER ALERT as the writer, I am breaking the forth wall there. And it's a good concept. Also because I wanna write a different book about Oikawa Tooru.

2) would you guys like me to write some extras?

I can write extra chapters like Tooru's birthday and etc. That would be kind of fun, right?

3) Is there any other characters from Haikyuu you want me to write a book about?

I'll usually would take any characters, I wouldn't be able to write about characters that I don't really know that much, but I will still be happy to try.

If you have any requests, just comment on this line or the questions below

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