A post

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"Yeah a letter! That dumbass is so cheesy I swear.." Iwaizumi said with a shrug. "So why are you here?" You asked curiously, wondering why is he walking to the train station just like you. "Well you see..my friend is going against you today in the match " he answered while rubbing the back of his head and slightly blushing. "You sure it isn't you crush~~~?" You asked while a grin spread across your face. "SHUT UP" he strictly said while his face was the color of a red rose. "She will run up to you so you would hug her close to your chest after she would loose to me, then after she will cry on your shoulder for while until you will gently move her head to meet your eyes..while both of you will fall into a deep kis-" you were interrupted by Iwaizumi yelling "SHUT THE FUCK UP GOD DAMN IT!!" With a red face as hot as a volcano, if you would pour water on him right now you bet it would evaporate instantly. Oh you did not show any mercy while laughing. To the hole train station, down the stairs, and in the train you were making fun of Iwaizumi's face.
"(Name) you are acting like a creep now..stop laughing. Everyone on the hike bus are staring at you." You looked around. They were..staring. That sudden urge of anger but also anxiety came in. What in the world was happening to you? You kept your head down now, starring at your red and grey volleyball shoes. Everything started to feel small..cramped up. It felt like the hole world was starring at you from above. "Hey you okay (Last Name)?" Iwaizumi said. "Hm? Yeah I'm fine.." you answered still with a little bit of hesitation. "We are already at the stop, let's go.." Iwaizumi said with an unsure look on his face about what happened to me before. "Okay!" I said trying to sound like I'm fine.

After you two got off the train Iwaizumi started to act all weird after he looked at his phone.

"What is it Iwa-Chan~? Did your girlfriend send you nudes or something~~?" You asked, "Wtf! No!" He denied, "sureeeeee..." "it's actually about you, did you see what Trashkawa posted about you?" He asked in a worried voice. "No? Why? What did he post?"
  "He posted on his story 'going to see the love of my life @(your instagram) playing volleyball today' with his dumb tongue and a peace sign."

"He did what?!"

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