Project (part one)

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Tomorrow will be the match, and today you had to represent your project with Reji and Oikawa. You were definitely tired from yesterday, and of so many hate comments from Tooru's fangirls after you posted yourself hanging out with Oikawa. The comments were...miserable...
   'Little slut trying to get my man'
   'You are motherfucking hooker, little shit'
   'You should kill yourself'
   ' U wearing too much makeup EW'
    'You are a worthless piece of trash"
    'Ew she doesn't even deserve to breath the     same air as my beloved Tooru'

        I read all of them...from top to bottom. Not one positive comment except Tooru's..

       'It was nice starting to talk to you again! 😜❤️'
   Maybe it was from Oikawa..but somehow it made your day as you were getting ready to leave. You weared a cute black skirt and a white short sleeved shirt on top. Also black heels and an clear umbrella, because forecast said it would rain today. As you closed the door of your apartment, you saw Kuroo standing there with a phone in his hand. "What is this?" He asked while showing my post with me walking with Oikawa. I ignored the statement and started walking to my class. "I SAID WHAT IS THIS?" He asked..much louder again. "A post...what do you think?" I answered as I tried not to make eye contact. "Why are you hanging out with Oikawa? Didn't he brake your heart?! Why are you being so nice to him all the sudden?" He complained as speed walking to catch up to me. You could hear jealousy threw every word that he said. "Just get away from me, why do you care? You cheated on me. I don't think you have even rights to talk to me right now..." I said while starting to walk even faster. He grabbed my wrist, which made you stop. You looked him in the eyes. "Oh is this what it's about? Me cheating on you with a girl that is 10000 times better then you?!" When you heard those words, you couldn't help but gulp and feel a ball in your throat..letting you know that you will soon cry. You stared at him for couple more seconds, you could feel tears falling down on your cheeks now. You flinched your wrist so he would let you go, which he did. Then you started running. Or at least tried, until you bumped into someone, maybe 12 feet away from Kuroo. You looked up, and seeing Oikawa Tooru standing there. I could feel warmth of his body, his scent spreading across the air. "O-Oikawa..."

'Back off...'

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