I adore

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   When I came in the room I saw, yeah...Mari-Chan...with Kuroo. She was my best friend in high school, and became a very pretty third year volleyball player. I excused my self as Kuroo's eyes widen and my eyes getting puffer from crying. "(N-Name)! Please I can explain!" I heard over and over again in my head as a slammed the door behind him while putting my middle finger up. Still tears raining down on my cheeks I didn't know where to go. I should have known that this would happen sooner or later.
     I wanted to run away, away from the house. So I raced down the stairs, to the exit and started to speed walk to the park. I couldn't go to Reji's..he would be so mad at Kuroo that he would probably kill him by just glancing once at him. Bokuto would probably do the same...and Kenma? Kenma is still in high school I can't do that to him. I wiped my tears off my cheeks and stopped speed walking. I got to the park, and it was very coldly quite.
     I took two steps, and I felt a rain drop fall on top of my head. Oh no don't tell me....then I felt another raindrop, and another, and another. It started raining like it was a storm or something, and it probably was at this point. The clouds got dark, and grey. My hair was a wet mess at this point, and my clothes were soaking wet.
     You didn't have a choice but to sit in the rain, on a bench. While being soaking wet, you sighted while feeling more rain pour of you. You didn't wanna go back to your house, and hear Kuroo apologize. You didn't want to hear his voice along with Mari's. You just wanted someone to comfort you...it didn't matter who it is at this point.

You felt a warm jacket being thrown at you from behind. You looked to see who it was, and it was Oikawa Tooru. The guy that I was so heartless with just because he couldn't say anything back to me when I confessed to him. "What...what happened?" Oikawa asked while putting an umbrella over my head. That face..no it wasn't a face of a sly fox, or maybe a cold look. It was..pure concerned look on his face. Was it because he could see you crying? Or maybe because your eyes are red from crying so much?
You looked at him, you didn't wanna admit it. But you needed him to comfort you, somewhere at the bottom of your heart...you still trusted him, and loved him. Maybe not a lot as usual, but you did. "K-Kuroo...cheated on me....." You said while putting on his jacket. It was warm and fuzzy, the jacket smelled exactly like him which made you sink into it a little bit more easily. Oikawa walked in front of me and took my shoulders, "How dare he?" Then he pulled me into a warm hug, it was nice....to talk to Oikawa again. The real Oikawa, that I adore.

From that day...I wouldn't say I fell in love again, I would say that I felt not empty inside anymore

The Real World (Oikawa Tooru x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now