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Dear (Name) (Last name),
   That day, I never told you how I felt, and I'm very sorry for that. My feelings about you grew stronger over the years that we started to be apart. I beg of you, please start from a new, a new book. I couldn't answer your confession that day cause I froze like an idiot. Please, if we ever meet again, please let's start all over again. You and me...together.
~ Oikawa Tooru ~

"This is cheesier than those pick up lines you say to your fangirls..." I said as I started laughing and handed Tooru back the letter. "S-Shush!" Tooru pouted as a little child as he folded his hands. 'So adorable'.

As Tooru persistently tried to get an answer from you to be his girlfriend, he washed all of your anxiety away. There was no more fear of not being good enough, no more thoughts of how my team lost that particular day. You weren't alamort anymore, it felt lighter on your chest and your shoulders now. Everything was lit up, happy, and carefree, still didn't give Oikawa an answer. You knew that you loved Tooru by you really wanna take the risk? What if he throws you away like Kuroo? Plus even if he doesn't, his fan girls will. "(Name) are you ignoring my question because you think I will cheat on you?" Oikawa suddenly asks you. " did u know..?" You didn't want to lie to Tooru after all, him and Reji are the only people you could really trust.

  I started thinking about more and more, constantly about what could have happened if I just wouldn't been nice to Tooru when we got that project. I would be in a ditch of dirt right now, and pigs crawling all over me. "(Name)..I truly love you, please actually consider my feelings..." Tooru said, with his voice now heavy and tired. "Ehhh I don't knowwwww" was it really the time to tease him? "Stop, it's not funny, I need your actual answer (Name)-Chan..." Tooru now said with serious tone.


I love you!

How can't you understand that!

It's just...


"It's what?....if you can't reject me that's totally fine" He said with a 'smile' on his face. "Sometimes you are too annoying" You said as you leaned closer, as your lips touched, you felt blush paint across your cheeks. "So you like me don't you~?" Tooru now smirked while hugging you. "Tsk" you folded your hands in embarrassment. " least you are my REAL girlfriend now~~" he said while rubbing his cheek against your shoulder while hugging you around your waist. 'Girlfriend'

Never in a million years you thought that Tooru would call you that. But here you are...
Is this what you really want? Is that what you were craving the whole time? Just to have a boyfriend? date Tooru?

I hope not...

He sure does love you.....

Unlike me......



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