Chapter Three

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I woke up the next morning in Peter's bed. I raised an eyebrow, not seeing him anywhere in his room. I shook my head and sat up, looking around at the posters, pictures, and a strange lock on his door. I chuckled quietly and stood up, smiling sadly at the picture of him and his parents. I wonder what ever happened to them.. I shifted my eyes to a picture of him and Ben, another sad smile covering my face. It's such a shame. It's a crazy world we live in now. I sighed quietly and pulled open the door, quietly making my way down the stairs.

"Good morning." Aunt May smiled when she saw me.

I smiled back, "Morning. Where's Peter?"

"He went out on that darn skateboard of his." she sighed, shaking her head, "He's had so many accidents with that thing, I don't see why he still rides it."

I chuckled slightly and walked over to the cabinet I remember that held all the food.

"I can make you something to eat, if you'd like."

"No thanks," I stated, "I'll just eat a pop tart. I need to go to the mall soon anyways."

She nodded and looked down at the newspaper, holding a cup of coffee in her other hand. I smiled slightly and jogged back upstairs, munching on the strawberry pop tart. I'm sure Peter wouldn't mind me stealing a t-shirt for the day. I opened the closet, pulling out a random blue one. I walked out of the room and into the bathroom. Maybe aunt May has some shampoo I could use.. I sighed and closed the door. Stupid lizard, causing me to loose everything I brought.

I strolled down a random street, carrying way too many bags for my liking. I sighed loudly and turned another corner, ramming into someone. I frowned, looking up and seeing Peter catching his balance on his skateboard.

"I'm sorry." he sighed, looking over at me, "Wait, is that my shirt?"

I chuckled and shrugged slightly, "I might have needed a clean one to wear. That giant lizard thing made me run off the bridge and now my stuff is probably at the bottom of that river."

"That's crazy, isn't it?" he asked, taking some of my bags, "The lizard."

"It's definitely a strange welcome to New York." I chuckled, looking over at him, "Thanks for helping me."

"You're a small girl. You needed it."

"Just because I'm only five foot doesn't mean I need help." I mumbled.

"You're almost a legal midget."

"You're so mean, Peter Parker. Just like when we were kids."

He chuckled and nudged my arm, "It's good to see you again."

"You too." I sighed, "I'm sorry about your uncle." I stated quietly, looking up at him.

He frowned and looked down at the ground, "Yeah. He didn't deserve that."

"He was a good man."

He nodded slightly and stood up straight again, "What did your parents say about you coming up here for the summer?"

"They didn't care, like always." I stated, rolling my eyes, "I could move up here and they wouldn't give a shit."

"Maybe you should."

"Move up here? Why would I do that?"

"Aunt May would love that." he chuckled, "It would be nice to have you here longer, too. You could finish school up here and graduate with me."

"Oh, because that would be such and honor." I chuckled sarcastically, rolling my eyes.

He scoffed as we walked up to his house, "Ouch."

"I'm kidding. I don't wanna intrude on you two."

"That extra room is needing someone to stay in it." he stated, pushing open the door.

I smiled slightly and shook my head, "Well, I may think about it. I'll talk to Aunt May later. Help me take this stuff upstairs and put it away."

He nodded and jogged upstairs, me following quietly behind. Move permanently here? I did like staying here, even if it hasn't been a full day yet; I was growing attacted already. I sighed quietly and shut the door behind me, seeing Peter aleady dumping things out on my bed. I chuckled quietly and walked over to him, doing the same to my bags.

Hayden Panettiere is actually 5'0! Small girl. Lol

Thanks for reading


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