Chapter Seven

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I glanced down at my phone, checking the time. 9:28pm. I sighed and quickened my pace slightly. Why was I out this late? Well, I don't really know. I just went out to see a few things and time just got by me. I ran a hand through my hair and looked around, not noticing anything off. Maybe I'll make it home before anything could happen to me.. As soon as that thought went through my head, yelling and gunshots were heard in a car lot I was passing.

Being my curious self, I looked around before making my way behind a car. I glanced around it, seeing that Spider guy from that picture in Starbucks standing there, shooting webs at someone agaisnt a wall. I raised an eyebrow, moving to the other side of the car as police started pulling in.

"Oh, the boys in blue here!" Spider guy yelled, pointing at the policeman on the motocycle.

"Freeze! You, in the tights, put your hands up."

"What? You gotta be kidding me." he chuckled, dropping his arms.

"I said freeze!" the policeman yelled, shooting at Yeah, Spiderman.

He quickly dogged them and flipped over the policeman, grabbing the gun, "I just did eighty percent of your job and this? This is how you repay me?" he asked, throwing the gun to the side.

More police arrived around that time, causing Spiderman to quickly glance back before running away quickly. I frowned slightly and looked around at the police before going the way Spiderman went. I looked up, seeing him swinging out into the street. I crossed my arms, watching as he dodged cars and rolled against the side of a bus. My eyes widened slightly. Is he okay? Spiderman quickly swung through the bridge, yelling out random things as he done so.

After a few more seconds, he swung to the left and disappeared. I frowned slightly and looked down at the time again. 9:46pm. Aunt May is probably worried sick..

"Peter, what happened to your face?" I asked him the next morning as he walked into the kitchen.

"Hm?" he hummed, looking over at me, "Oh, nothing. Just a rash."

"A rash? More like a black eye and bruises all over your face." I stated, raising an eyebrow at him.

He shook his head, "I haven't done anything to get a black eye or bruises."

"Right." I mumbled, "Wanna do something today?" I asked.

"Like what?"

"Well.. There's a movie I wanna see out."

"We just had a movie night." he chuckled.

"Yes, but that wasn't in theaters." I sighed, standing up, "I haven't been to the movies in I don't know how long."

"I haven't either." he replied, looking over at me, "Okay, fine. We can go. What's the movie?"

I just shrugged and smiled innocently, "I don't know. I'm going to get ready now."

He chuckled slightly and nodded, pulling open the door to the fridge.

"I hate taxi's." I whispered to Peter, eyeing the taxi driver.

"Why?" he chuckled, raising an eyebrow.

"Just do." I frowned, sitting back and looking out the window.

"We're almost there." Peter said, a smile still on his face.


He shook his head and laughed again, "So, what's the movie?"

"I told you, I don't know. I just wanted to go to the movies."

He stared at me before putting his hand on my face and pushing my head away. I laughed and shoved his arm away, "Geez, don't gotta be so pushy." I told him, quickly opening the door as Peter paid the taxi driver.

He followed me out and led me to the door of the building, "How are you so short?" he suddenly asked.

I narrowed my eyes at him, "I'm done with you. Give me money and I'll watch a movie by myself."

He pouted and grabbed my arm as I started to walk away, "I wanna watch a movie with you too."

"Then don't judge my height."

"Fine. I'm sorry."

"Buy me some popcorn and a drink then I'll forgive you."

The lizard will probably make his appearance next chapter!

Thanks for reading! Hope you liked it :)

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