Chapter Eleven

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I nodded slightly and started making my way upstairs again. I let out a breath as I stopped in front of his door, place my hand on the doorknob before gently pushing it open. Glancing up at Peter, I gasped at what I saw.

Peter was standing in the middle of the room, removing a mask. The rest of him was cloaked in the Spiderman uniform. I blinked at him, seeing as he was now staring at me.

"It's not-"

"You're Spiderman?" I asked quietly.

"No." he said quickly, standing up straighter.

"Then explain all of this." I frowned, motioning to his current outfit.

"I like pretending I'm him." Peter shrugged slightly, "I mean, wouldn't you like it if you were as cool as he was?"

"Well, yeah, I guess.. But I never expect you to-to dress up like this. It's like, a high quality suit."

"Made it myself." he chuckled weakly, "Pretty impressive, huh?"

"You're Spiderman."

"Ali, no I'm not."

"I don't believe you."

"I don't know how I could make you believe me." he chuckled.

"I don't either, but-"

"Look, Allison. If I was Spiderman, I would tell you, I promise." he sighed, shaking his head, "You'd be the only person I would trust with that information. Sadly, though, I'm not. I'm no where close to being him."

I sighed quietly and crossed my arms, "Okay." I stated quietly, "It's just weird walking in and seeing your best friend dressed up in tights."

"What? This isn't tights! It's a spandex suit!"

"Someone's obsessed." I muttered, chuckling slightly, "I'm gonna head on to bed. See you tomorrow. Good night, Peter."



I sat up the next morning and rested my back against the headboard. I unplugged my phone from it's charger and checked any messages I had. A few from my friends back home, one from mom, and one from..Peter? I raised an eyebrow and opened it quickly.

Come to the Starbucks we went the first day you were here. We're spending the day together. :)

Any reason why? I replied, tossing the phone to the side.

I stood up and stretched, groaning quietly and letting out a breath. My phone buzzed, causing me to quickly pick it up again.

Because aunt May told me you were thinking about leaving. I'm sorry I haven't spent much time with you. That's changing starting today.

Okay, sounds good! c:

I walked into the bathroom quickly, glad I took a shower last night. I turned my straightener on before walking back into my bedroom and opening the closet door. I tossed my long blue jean looking dress on the bed, followed by a brown belt with tall brown boots and black leggings. It was starting to get chilly outside. I pulled on the outfit, minus the boots, before moving back into the bathroom.


I pushed my bangs out of my face as I pushed open the door to Starbucks, walking past the long line and looking around the small cafe, seeing Peter in the corner with two drinks on the table. He glanced up and smiled at me, motioning me over. He was dressed in a blue t-shirt with that green jacket over it with plain blue jeans and sneakers. How does he manage to look good without trying? 

"How are you this morning?" he asked, pushing my drink towards me.

"I'm pretty great now." I smiled, lifting the straw to my lips and taking a small drink, "Cotton candy." I sighed in content.

"I remember you telling me about that secret menu thing so I ordered you one off of it." he chuckled, "Did I do okay?"

"For a guy, yes." I chuckled, nodding and taking another drink, "What are we doing today?"

"What do you wanna do?"

"Uh huh. This was all your idea."

He nodded slightly and looked out the window, "Hmm.. Have you been to the Statue of Liberty?"

"Not since I was really little." I stated, shaking my head.

"Then let's go there. I'll pay." he smiled, standing up quickly.


Her outfit and hair on the side-->

What should happen in this story? Any ideas? :)

I wanted to wait for her to find out about him being Spiderman! I don't wanna rush it too much.

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