Chapter Eighteen

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I walked into the photography class just as the bell rang. I should have took Peter up on the offer of him showing me where it was. If I was actually speaking to him, I would have.. I glanced around the room, seeing people at tables you usually see in a biology or chemistry class that only could seat two people. That's just great.. The only open seat was next to...

Oh, hell no.

Peter, why isn't anyone else sitting there? I shook my head slightly and made my way over to his table, practically slamming my purse on the table. Good thing about having photography and art last? You don't need nothing but a camera and a little drawing notebook.

"Hey." Peter stated quietly, looking over at me.

I glanced towards him, not saying anything before pulling my phone out of my purse.

Please come save me. I sent Harry.

Yeah.. We text now. No big deal.

I wish I could! You'll be okay. Just speak to him if you absolutely have to. I'll see you in about an hour. :)

I sighed quietly and slipped my phone back into my purse. Why couldn't he just somehow cause a distraction to get me out of class? I glanced over at Peter again, seeing him messing with his camera.

"Alright class, settle down. We're starting a new project today and you'll be paired with the person at your table." the teacher stated loudly, looking around at us, "Peter, it looks like you'll be with the new girl. He's the top student out of all of my classes," he told me, "You'll do great in here with him."

I just smiled weakly and gave a faint nod.

"The project is different for each group. Peter, you and..."

"Allison." I stated.

"You and Allison are going to go around the city, finding things that interest you. Hobbies, hang out places..anything like that. Make a scrapbook. I want fifteen pages. Peter can be page one, Allison page two, so on and so on. On the fifteenth page, just so you two can have equal amount of pages, I want it to be filled with the places both of you like. It will be due two weeks from now.

"That's quite a project." I stated, crossing my arms slightly, "Why are we the only group with that project?"

"I like seeing different things from different groups." the teacher stated before moving to the next table.

I frowned before looking over at Peter, "I'll go out and buy things for the scrapbook and take some pictures later. Next week, we can go ahead and start decorating it and putting pictures in. I have a couple of ideas on how to decorate the pages."

"Okay. Want me to come with you?"

"I think I'll get Harry to." I stated, turning away from him once again.



"Be careful."


"Harry can get any girl he wants and leave them for the next better thing." he shrugged slightly, "He might do that to you."

"If he does, he does. It's better than a liar." I stated.

"Are we still not past that?" he groaned, running a hand through his messy brown hair.

"Not quite." I stated, "How did you and Gwen meet?"

"Here at school. She's number one in our class."

"Congrats to her." I muttered.

"She knows about me." he whispered.

That just fueled my anger up once again, "You told her about you?"

"Not really told.. More like I showed her."

I stared at him, "Are you saying that just to piss me off more?"

"I just wanted you to know you're not the only one who knows."

"You didn't hesitate to tell, or show, her. But you full on lied to your best friend. The one you grew up with. That's great, Peter." I chuckled sarcastically, "Now I know what kind of person you are." I stated before quickly standing and slinging my purse over my shoulder, feeling tears building up in my eyes.

"Allison, no. Wait-"

I ignored him and quickly told the teacher there was an emergency and I had to go. I practically ran out of the classroom, wiping my eyes. What an asshole Peter has become.

"Allison, please!" I heard his voice shout from behind me.

I quickly ran down the hallway, ignoring his shouts. I felt something softly hit my back, causing me to gasp when I was being pulled backwards. I felt my back collide with something hard.

"Please listen to me." Peter stated desperately.

"Just leave me alone!" I shouted, "Can you not understand that I want nothing to do with you?"

"Lower your voice.."

"No. I don't care if someone hears me. You might want to stop being an asshole. I know something big in your life and I could easily turn that against you."

"You wouldn't do that."

"Wouldn't I?"

"No one would believe you."

"Maybe, maybe not. I could still tell."

"What's going on?" Harry's voice asked.

I looked around, seeing Harry pushing past a small group of people gathering around to watch what was happening, "Peter's just being a huge dick. Nothing new." I stated, glaring at Peter, "Stay out of my life and leave me alone." I spat before quickly running off in the opposite direction again.

Well..shoot, man. Drama! Kind of a longer chapter cause I didn't know where to end it xD

In my other story, I said when I reach the big 100 followers, I would announce some of my social media names so you could follow my life and see what I do when I'm not writing xD

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