Chapter Five

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I sighed and laid my pen down, "I'm done."

"Same here. Want me to take yours up with mine?"

"Sure." I smiled, handing him the small packet of information we had to fill out.

I watched his figure walk up to the desk, handing over the papers to the woman behind it all while smiling. I stood up as he stepped back over to me, "Did she say when we'll know?"

"She said she'll give us a call." he shrugged as we walked out to the busy streets.

I nodded and looked around, "Home?"

"You go on." he stated, police sirens starting to echo through out the city, "I'll be there later."

I raised an eyebrow, but nodded, waving at him before stating to walk the direction of the house. He's such a strange guy.. I chuckled quietly and shook my head slightly, looking in the little shops as I walked past them. I gasped loudly and stopped walking, causing people to mumble rude things in my direction, but I ignored it. A bakery! I love bakeries. I quickly walked in, smiling slightly at the older looking woman behind the counter as I looked at the choices behind the glass.

"They're all fresh." she told me, "My niece got them out of the oven just a few minutes ago."

"Oh, sounds good." I smiled, "I'll take a couple of those." I stated, pointing at a pink cupcake with blue icing and sprinkles on it, a small toothpick with a piece of paper on it reading 'Pink Lemonade With Cotton Candy Icing.'

She nodded and got out a white box with little pink decorations on it, placing a piece of wax paper in it before putting about three into the box, "Anything else? It can hold one more."

I bit my bottom liip and pointed to a white cupcake with orange frosting.

"That's my favorite." she smiled, placing it in the corner of the box, "Your total will be $7.89."


 "Hey, aunt May. Is Peter back yet?" I asked as I laid the box of cupcakes on the counter in the kitchen.

"No, not yet." she sighed, "He always stays out late anymore."

I frowned and opened the box, "Now you don't have to be alone anymore." I smiled, handing her a cupcake.

She smiled back sadly and accepted the cupcake, "Thank you so much for coming up here."

"It's no problem. No other way I would spend my summer." I told her, licking the icing off of my cupcake, "What do you wanna do while we wait on Peter?"

"Well, these cupcakes make me wanna bake something.."

I smiled brightly and nodded, "Baking it is!"


"What's that delicious smell?" I heard Peter's voice ask about an hour later.

"Come here and see." aunt May replied, causing me to chuckle slightly.

A few seconds later, Peter walked into the kitchen, "Baking again?"

"Alli here wanted to bake something."

"No I didn't!" I laughed, "Well, I did. But it was all aunt May's idea!"

Peter chuckled and picked up a freshly baked chocolate chip cookie, "I'm glad. I love when she makes all these sweets." he chuckled, sitting down beside me while he slowly chewed the cookie.

I took a piece of it and stuck it in my mouth, "I helped."

He stopped chewing and handed the cookie to me, "I don't want any now."

I scoffed and hit his chest, "Don't be a jerk." I giggled.

He chuckled and shoved the rest of the cookie in his mouth, smiling a closed mouth smile at me. When did Peter become so..cute? Like, he's a nerdy cute, but cute overall. I smiled back and looked back over at aunt May, who was smiling over at us. "What?" I chuckled sligthtly.

"Nothing." she smiled, "Just good to see the two best friends reunited again."

Hope you're liking this story! Comment telling me what you think :)

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