Chapter Twenty-One

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I pushed through the large group of people, Harry's hand still clasped in mine. Once we got to the front, I noticed we were right beside of Gwen.

"What's going on?" Harry asked her.

She opened her mouth to reply, only to be cut off by a gun shot.

We quickly turned our heads, seeing a guy dressed in all black, but seemed to be.. "Blue?" I asked quietly, raising an eyebrow.

My eyes widened as he put his hands close together, electricity looking stuff forming before he threw it at Peter. Well, in this case, Spiderman. Spiderman quickly jumped over it, shooting a web at the electric man, only to be shocked and threw back against a police car. Harry quickly put his arm around me, pulling me back as the man looked around at us.

I wrapped my arms around his waist, my eyes following everything going on. The man put his hands on the ground, electricity quickly flowing along the ground. Spiderman quickly used one arm, shooting webs in different directions and pulling people away from the metal hand rails.

I'm not sure how it happened, but the blue glowing man was suddenly crashed into a large building as Spiderman disappeared. Everything, and everyone, was quiet. I looked around, jumping as all the power was suddenly gone. I scooted closer to Harry, screaming as a wave of blue electricity shot through the air, cutting through buildings.

Harry covered me with his body as debris fell around us. I looked up, seeing the man flying out of a building, only to be shot down by water. I looked over, seeing Spiderman blow on the top of the water, spinning it around before pretending to place it in a holster. I chuckled quietly, watching as he walked over to us.

"England? Really?" he asked Gwen before walking away again.

She sighed, "Nice talk."

I bit my bottom lip, staring at Peter's closed door. Maybe it was time to just..forgive and forget. I raised my hand up, knocking quietly.

"Who is it?"


He was quiet for a few seconds before telling me to come in. I pushed open the door, seeing him laying on the bed in a t-shirt and sweats, a beanie over his hair. I smiled slightly at him before closing the door, "Um. Hi."


"I think it's time to talk." I stated, sitting down in his computer chair.

He sat up and looked over me, "Okay." he cleared his throat, "Look, Allison.. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner and that I lied to you."

"It's okay."

"I just didn't want you to think of me different or try to stop me from fighting crime."


"I love what I do, you know? It's a rush."

"It's really f-"

"I miss you." he sighed, "I need my best friend."

"Peter." I chuckled, "I already forgave you. You ramble a lot, you know?"

He smiled sheepishly and shrugged, "Yeah. So.. Best friends?"

"Sure." I smiled, "Now, why did you kiss me?"

"Oh." he mumbled, a blush forming on his cheeks, "Well, some feelings never go away."

"You have feelings for me?" I asked, my eyes widening slightly.

Happy Friday! :)

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