Chapter Fourteen

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insanelychaotic, SilverHawk990, minimac09, DiamondGirll11, madeleineyunker: I'm glad you all think so! Here you go :)

I looked up at the sky as I ran down the street, frowning at how dark the clouds were. Where do these people come from? And why is it only here? I shook my head slightly and jogged towards the still forming tornado- if that's what it even is. There was a large group of people surrounding the area, phones and camera pointing up towards the clouds.

I frowned and pulled my own phone out, dialing Peter's number quickly. I raised an eyebrow when he didn't answer. He always answers me. Quickly redialing the number, I pushed through the crowd, sighing loudly when he didn't answer again. Where did he go and what has he gotten himself into?

"Look, there he is!" a person near me yelled loudly.

I quickly looked up to where they were pointing, seeing Spiderman swing around a corner. He lifted his feet up together and quickly kicked the person controlling the tornado thing down. I bit my bottom lip, lightening flashing across the sky as it happened. I ran a hand through my hair and looked down at my phone, trying once again to reach Peter. Where the hell is he? What if something happened to him?

"Look out!" someone yelled towards me.

Quickly looking up, I saw a red blur heading in my direction. Not having hardly any time to react, the superhero hit me, knocking me back a few feet from where I was standing. I groaned loudly as my head contected with the concret.

"Are you okay?"

I blinked, watching as Spiderman quickly stood up, looking down at me the whole time.

"Perfect, yeah." I muttered, sitting up slowly, "You may not look it, but you sure are heavy."

He chuckled slightly, holding out his hand. I took it, sighing as I stood up straight once again, "Thanks."

He nodded before raising his hand up, a web shooting from the device on his arm. He lifted up into the air, swinging away from me. Rubbing my head, I couldn't help but feel like I've heard that voice before. I mean, if you knew a voice, you couldn't forget it, right? You could put a face to it? I just shook my head and looked down at my now cracked phone. I groaned and looked up at the dark sky. Spiderman owes me a new phone.

"Hey, you okay? I saw how hard he hit you and that fall wasn't a easy landing." a voice from beside me stated.

I raised an eyebrow, looking over and seeing a guy around my age with weird sunglasses on with his hair laying across the right side of his forehead. I nodded slightly, "Uh, yeah. I'm fine. Thanks."

"I'm Harry." he stated, holding out his hand, "Harry Osborn."

"Allison." I replied, shaking his hand.

"You new here?" he asked, watching as Spiderman finally took down the person causing this storm.

"Nah, I used to live here when I was little. I'm here visiting my old friend."

"Who would that be?"

"Peter Parker."

"Parker?" he smiled slightly, "I haven't seen Peter in.. I don't know how long."

"You used to know him?"

"I used to be on of his best friends." he chuckled slightly, "He would always hang out with this Ali girl."

"Oh."  I nodded slightly, "Yeah. That's me."

He looked down at me quickly, "Really? I should have known by your height." he chuckled slightly.

"Ha, ha. So funny." I mumbled, shaking my head, "What are you doing back in New York?"

"My dad died a few days ago so I'm taking up his business."

"I'm sorry. What was his business?"

"Isn't it obvious? Oscorp."

"Well, now it is." I chuckled, my eyes watching Spiderman beginning to swing away, "It was nice talking to you, Harry. I have to go, though." I stated before quickly running in the direction Spiderman was heading.

My feet moved as fast as they could. Curse being short. I let out a loud breath, watching as he landed in an alley. I started to walk up behind him, only to freeze when he pulled the mask off quickly.

I gasped loudly, "Peter?"

Now she knows :D and Harry is now in the picture! I don't think I'm gonna make him become The Green Goblin in this one, though.

What do you thinks gonna happen now? :3

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