Worst Day of My Life

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  Dedicated to this girl because she always never gets tired of telling me to update <333 hehe.. peace and lovelots XD thanks for loving this story. Hope you won't get tired even though i update less frequently. This goes to all whose reading this story as well.

Plase continue supporting this :) lovelots guys XD


 ( Veronica's POV )

I have never been more accident prone in my life than today. I wake up and find myself feeling ill and scared because of the happenings during the weekend, specifically the past of Nate and the confession of Liam, then during lunch time, instead of eating lunch, i find the lunch room turned into a music hall, slash concert hall dedicated to me..

And taht's not even the worst part. The worst part was being accused of being a slutty, boy-stealing, annoying stupid bitch by a slutty good-for-nothing, annoying, stupid bitch.

I mean.

Really ?

and one would thing that that would be what would have made my day the official worst day of a girl's entire life ( though it certainly could )

But then the even more worst part of the day happened. My head got hit on a marble floor in the damn bathroom because of the she-devil ( the slutty, good-for-nothing, annoying bitch ) and her two minions because of some stupid made up story that she-devil made up in that non-existing brain of hers and, ultimately, ending up in the hospital trying to calm down a worried Katie, a pissed Kevin, a fuming Karren, a sympathetic Kieth (who is sooo not helping) and trying to ignore that weird feeling building in my chest and the uncomfortable rumble in my tummy.

"Are you sure you're alright ?"

"Yes Katie"

I said again. for the 30th time since i woke up.

"Are you sure you don't want me to hunt down the bitch who did this to you?"

"No Kevin"

I rubbed my temple in frustration. How did these twins even got here? Didn't they have school ? Aren't the busy? Can't they shut up?

"Do you need something? Food ? Water?"

"No thank you Annie"

I breathed in, here we go again. I don't think my head ache was because of the damn wound on my head, i think it's because of all these pampering and questioning.

"Where are those guys?! What is taking them so long? Damn it!"

"Calm down Karren"

I sighed and ignored Karren and Kieth. Ever since i woke up i haven't seen neither Tyler, Trey nor Grey. And since Liam and Nate left the room to call the three idiots gone missing, they haven't come back themselves.

 You know the feeling that you sometimes get when something bad is about to happen? That weird feeling in your chest that won't go away ? It was like something was happening just right under your nose without you knowing it and yet feel it.

Know that type of feeling? Because that is seriously the feeling i'm totally getting right now. It was probably written on my face because Kieth tapped me on the arm, it wasn't until then that i noticed the lack of presence and noise in my room.

"Is there a problem?"

I looked up and Kieth and gave him shrug, it was just the two of us left in the room. Somehow the dude managed to get everyone out, something that only a very capable person could do. Honestly, i didn't't know what to feel right now, there was something in me that wanted to tell someone that weird feeling but i know telling anyone right now in my condition wouldn't help with the way their acting all possessive and stuff. They would probably call a doctor ASAP and get me treated or something. The only sane person right now who wouldn't go AWOL on me when and if i share this feeling is, well, Kieth. But me and Kieth haven't been really close, because aside from the fact that he was a boy, he was also always with Karren, actually, it was only during bathroom moments where me and karren actually got to talk and hang out. It was very rare for the couple to be away from each other.

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