one last cry

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chapter 6


  ( Nate's POV )

I was staring at the grand piano sitting in the middle of our music room. It's been so long since i've been here i've almost forgotten what it looked like.

I knew that when i stopped playing instruments it broke my mother's heart, but my heart was shattered during those times that i couldn't even care less.

But i couldn't play because it reminded me too much her.

That person told me how much she loved watching me play the instruments. She loved the way my hand moved when i play the piano or guitar or violin. She said that my music was so beautiful that it moved her tears. And every time i play a piece for her or sing a song that i wrote for her, she would always have a tear or two escape from her eyes and i would kiss it away, she would then hug and tell me i was the best boyfriend a girl could ask for. We would smile at each other like a bunch of idiots and we'd cuddle afterwards.

It's been 5 years since then but i could still remember every detail.

I could still remember how happy we were. But i guess i was the only happy because she left.

Because one day she suddenly left without a word. That time I felt as if everything around me collapsed and everything i treasured were useless.

For a long time i just sat there hating myself and questioning my life. Thoughts like "what have i done for her to leave me?" or "did do something wrong?" or "did i hurt her?'' haunted my thoughts day and night.And ever morning i would wake up with tears in my eyes from the lost that was my heart.

I loved her. 

Though, not many people would have believed that i was, once upon a time, a guy who would have given the world for his girl, it was true. And all of my friends and family was there to witness it. They were there to see how happy i was when we were together and how broken i became when she suddenly left.

No notes, no txt, no e-mail.. NOTHING.

But as days and months passed, i was able to move on. My friends and family were hurting, and seeing them hurt for me was enough to make me suck up my pain and ignore the whole in my chest and continue to live. If it wasn't for them, i wouldn't have even tried to breath.

But even it took everything in me. Even though i felt shit all around. I still lived on.

But after that, i was never the same. I became a different person. But that was because a part of me was lost. She was my heart.

But now, after so long. After polkadots, meeting with her and looking into her beautiful eyes. There was something about her that made me want to smile.

A part of me knew that it was maybe because polkadots reminded me of that woman. They were both free spirited and they both loved life. They had a beauty within them that was unmistakable. But i knew that polkadots was different. I knew that she was better.

I sighed and let my fingers roam touch the piano and marvelled at how smooth they were, before i knew it I started playing a piece.

And then, I was singing a song.

 One Last Cry

       by : Brian Mcknight


I was breathing hard after the song. 

'one last cry'... I thought.

I looked down on the piano and I gave myself to the memories, the good and the bad. I allowed myself to feel everything once more. 

'one last cry'... i thought and smiled a bitter smile.

i slumped down not caring if anyone was watching.

I cried.

After 5 years i cried once more.

But i swore this would be my one last cry.


Nickolas "nick" Ford was good son and great brother. Before his little brother went through hell and back they have been closer than any sibling. They would play sports together and they would tell each other all their problems.

But ever since that fateful day that his brother's heart was ripped in shreds..

Nick and Nate's relationship have never been the same. Nick's little brother stopped smiling. And Nick felt the most useless person in the world for not being ab;e to do anything but simple watch his little brother suffer over and over again. He could do nothing while he watched his precious brother fight his pain and heartbreak.

Now, 5 years later.

After leaving his home for 4 years for college he was back.

He was older and wiser and he'd be damn if he'd be useless once more.

That was what he though as he entered the house.

Nick just got home when he heard the piano being played. He stopped. Who could be playing the piano ? his sister was in Paris and his mother was somewhere shopping. He's father didn't know how to play the piano.

So there was only one person left standing.


He ran to towards the music room and just caught his brother playing the last note and singing the last word.

He was surprised as hell, but he was pleased that his brother was starting to play the instruments once more.

But his smile was quickly wiped off as fast as it got there, because once more. Nick felt useless.

There he was.

A few feet away from his brother.

And all he could was watch while Nate cried his heart out for the last time.


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