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chapter 10


( Liam's POV )

One would think that after the kiss between Ronnie and Nate, they'd live happily ever after that, well, not really. 

Nate has been even more cold after that night. He never bothered with school anymore and he's bad mood has reached a whole new level.

Nate has been avoiding Ronnie like a plague. So here i am right now in the animal shelter inside the school with a very pissed Ronnie.


i gave her a small smile and she blinked, sighed and sat down beside me. We're currently working on our English paper.

"sorry Liam, i'm just frustrated"

i know what she feels but since Ron and Nate thinks that everything that happened to them a week ago (did i mention a week has passed since that fateful day?) i pretend not to know.

"why ?"

she looked at me and tilted her head to one side. It was a pose she used when she was thinking.

"can you keep a secret Liam?"

i nodded.

"we, umm.. me and N-n-nate we umm. Ki-k-k-ki-ki-kis-kiss-kissed"

she looked down, hiding her blush.

"ahhh.. then?"

she looked up and i could see tears in her eyes. I mentally flinched. Why do i always end up being the crying shoulder of the woman i love ? And why do their tears always fall for my best friend ? 


she couldn't talk anymore. I got up and put my arms around her, and tried my best to comfort her.

Damn it ! why is it that i was always the one that ended up being the comforter ? Why can't those idiotic jerks that i call my friends take care of their girl ? I was frustrated as hell.

Will history repeat itself ?

Well, i'll be damn !

I watched as Ronnie continued to cry.


i won't let history repeat itself.

Friendship be damned.

--x Nate's house x--

I was in Nate's house. I went in and was greeted by the maids and butlers. I smiled at them and ran towards his room when i saw Nick. 

"hey Liam"

i smiled at him and gave him a hug (he was gone for college and i haven't seen him for years, i'm not gay)

"so, you know why my brother looks like the living dead ?"


he stared at me and i stared back. He wanted to know but i didn't want to tell. Nick was protective of Nate, but ever since that girl he became even more protective of his little brother. I know where the guy was coming from but i know that Nate feeling like this had nothing to do with the girl but everything to do with his ego, pride and selfishness.

"you're not gonna tell?"

i smiled and he gave out a tired sigh. He let me pass and i was inside Nate's door not a minute after that, he was leaning on the window.

Nick wasn't kidding. Nate did look every bit of the living dead. But remembering Ronnie's crying face, i guess the jerk deserved it.

"hey !"

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