"I still can't believe you spent so much money on her dress!" Shawn's mom had said for the hundredth time.
I was currently standing in their kitchen, waiting for Aaliyah to come downstairs with her dress on. It was homecoming night and we were finally going to see Aaliyah as the total package, hair, makeup, dress, shoes. everything.
"I had to, mom!" Shawn exclaimed. "You should have seen her face, she needed that dress."
"She doesn't need the dress, Shawn." She continues to argue. "Can we atleast pay you back, please."
"No way!" Shawn shut her down. "It was my decision, i'm the one who allowed her to get the expensive dress, so I payed for it. End of discussion."
Karen, Shawn's mom, just shook her head and walked away.
"You guys ready?" Aaliyah called from the top of the stairs.
"Ready." Shawn, his Shawn's mom, dad, and I all said in sync.
"Okay," You could hear Aaliyah take a deep breath. "here I come."
A few seconds after she said it we saw her silver high heels appear, then we slowly saw the rest of Aaliyah appear in front of us as she reached the bottom of the stairs.
A few gasps were exchanged and several compliments were thrown out.
"Thanks again, Shawn." Aaliyah reached her hand out to Shawn, and he grabbed it and squeezed.
"Anytime." He smiled.
"Aww." Karen smiled. "Now pictures. Aaliyah I want pictures of you." Karen snapped a few pictures of Aaliyah, then of Aaliyah and Shawn. "Okay, now you get in with them, Bostyn."
"Are you sure?" I asked.
"Of course, you're family too." Karen smiled as she squinted behind the camera. "Get in there!"
I stood next to Aaliyah on her right side as Shawn was on her left and smiled. "Ready, one, two, three." The flash went off momentarily blinding me. "One more of the three of you. One, two, three." Another flash.
"So many pictures!" Aaliyah laughed.
"Okay now just Aaliyah and Bostyn." Karen said as Shawn stepped out of the picture.
"Smile." Karen said, even though Aaliyah and I were already smiling.
As soon as she took the photo I stepped out of Aaliyah's grip. "Can I take your family picture how?" I asked.
"Oh," Karen removed the camera strap from around her neck. "of course. Thanks, Bost."
"No problem." I smiled as I flung the strap around my neck and focused the camera.
"Smile." I said, directing it at Shawn since he had an annoyed look on his face, I was assuming he was sick of taking pictures.
"Thanks, Bostyn." Shawn's dad thanked me as everyone separated.
"Alright, your father and I are gong to take Aaliyah to her friends house to meet up with them and get more pictures before the dance. We will be back after those pictures. Need anything?" Karen asked.
Shawn looked at me and I nodded no. "Nope." Shawn told his mom.
"Great, catch you guys later." She smiled as they all left the house. Aaliyah quickly turned and waved goodbye one last time before disappearing into the car.
"The three hundred dollars were definitely worth it." He said as he waved one last time to his family, then shut the door. "You staying?" He asked.
"Yeah I was thinking I was going to, if you want me to."
"Of course I want you to." Shawn smiled. I looked up and made eye contact with him as I smiled back.
"Want to watch another movie?" I asked. "I know it's lame for a friday night, so if you have any other options-"
"Actually, I do." Shawn said as he stared down at his phone.
"You do?" I asked.
"Yes, I do." He finally looked up from his phone and our eyes locked. "How about Emma Beam's party tonight?" He asked.
"Oh because the last party we went to together went so well." I rolled my eyes at the memory.
"That was a one time mistake, it won't happen again." He reassured me, but I wasn't sure if I one hundred percent believed him or not. "Promise."
"I don't even really know Emma." I said, trying to think of more excuses. Parties just really aren't my thing, I find them boring and annoying.
"I don't really either! But everyone is invited, and we are everyone." Shawn moved his finger back and forth pointing to each of us.
"When does it start?" I asked.
"An hour."
"I don't have my hair or makeup done, and i'm not even wearing nice clothes."
"Your clothes are fine." He told me. "And you look fine."
"Okay, thanks. But these aren't party clothes." I tugged at black wind breaker and stared down at my black leggings.
"Well it's not like you can't just go across the street to change and get ready." Shawn pointed to my house from outside the window.
"But I don't want to."
"Come on, Bost, please?" He begged. "It's senior year and-"
"Oh gosh, if I go get ready will you not give me the whole 'senior year' speech again?" I asked, willing to do anything to never hear it again. Not only was it kind of annoying and dramatic, but it actually made me sad. I mean everything aside, it was senior year, and we were going off to different universities.
"Yes." He smiled. "You go get a head start, i'll write a note to my parents, freshen up a bit and then i'll be right over."
"Alrighty." I said as I swung the front door open and walked out.
"Don't be too long." Shawn called after me.
"You're lucky i'm even going." I gave him a dirty look. He just smiled and pulled his head back into the house.

Senior Year (Shawn Mendes fanfic)
FanfictionIt's senior year for best friends Shawn Mendes and Bostyn Jackson, and they're hoping to make the best of it. Bostyn is trying her best to keep her friendship with Shawn alive through all their ups and downs. With the fear of being separated after t...