"Bostyn!" My mom yelled from downstairs. "Shawn's here."
"One second!" I yelled down as I threw on my shoes and ran down the stairs. "I love you, bye." I said as I kissed my mom on the cheek.
"Please be back before midnight, you still have school tomorrow." She gave me a disapproving look. "I don't even know why i'm letting you go."
"I don't even know why i'm going!" I responded as I flung the door open and walked towards Shawn's car.
"Hey B, thanks for coming with me." He grinned as he pulled out of my driveway.
"You talked me into it."
"You let me."
"Hey will you hang out with me while we're here, i'm not sure if i'm going to know anyone else that's there." I said as I put on lip gloss.
"Of course, I wouldn't force you to come with me and then bail." He laughed.
"No I know, I was just making sure we were both on the same page."
"Well don't worry," He turned and smiled at me. "we are."
"Here we go." I took a deep breath as he parked the car on the street outside of Jordan's house.
"Want me to get the door for you?" He asked.
"No i've got it, thank you." I said as I shoved the door open and waited for Shawn on the walkway.
"My mom found an old album of us, thought you would like to know." He blurted out. "From sixth grade, when we first became friends."
"No way, really?" I asked, excited.
"Yeah, we can look through it next time you come over."
"Sounds good to me." I said as the front door swung open.
"Shawn, my man!" Jordan smiled, he stepped onto the porch with no shoes on. "I see you brought your girlfriend, nice to see you, Bostyn."
I shook my head, "Nice to see you too." Jordan leaned in and hugged Shawn, he wreaked of alcohol.
"I love you, man!" Jordan said, still hugging Shawn.
"I love you too, dude." Shawn patted his back and gave me a weird look.
"I'm going to head inside." I pointed to the door and Shawn nodded. I took a deep breath and stepped into the house. To the right was a group of boys huddled around someone doing a keg stand.
"Bostyn!" Someone called me from the corner. It was hard to tell who because the music was so loud, so I tried to scan the room. "Bostyn!" This time I could see it was Amanda, she was waving her hands frantically.
"Amanda, hey!" I said as I walked over to her by the drinks table.
"How are you? I'm glad you could make it! Have a drink!" Her words were jumbling together, I was assuming that the cup in her hand was not her first.
"I'll just have some pop." I smiled as I opened a two liter of Pepsi and poured it into my cup.
"Pepsi, oh come on B, that's no fun! Have some punch!" She pointed to the red punch next to her. "I don't even think there's any alcohol in it, i've had three cups already!"
I couldn't help but laugh. "Yeah, Amanda, based on your breath, i'm going to have to disagree with the whole 'no alcohol' comment, maybe try some water next."
"Oh Bost you're so funny!" She hit my arm.
"So are you!" I said as I patted her arm and walked away to try to find Shawn.
Before I could even make it to the kitchen I was stopped. "Looking for your boyfriend?" Steve asked me.
"He's not my boyfriend." I rolled my eyes as I tried to step out of his way.
"Whatever he is, he is in line for the keg stand, in case you were curious."
"Doesn't sound like Shawn."
"Then you haven't seen two am Shawn when we used to hang out at Logan's cabin up north, especially when there were girls involved." Steve laughed.
"Alright move, move!" I said, shooing him away.
"Was just helping you out!" Steve shouted after me.
"Thanks!" I sarcastically shouted back. I walked into the kitchen and right to the snack area. A hand reached for the potato chips at the same time I did. I looked up and saw Ava. "Ava?" I asked, shocked to see her here.
"Bostyn, thank goodness you're here!" Ava grinned as she rushed around the table to hug me.
"What the heck are you doing here? I thought you weren't coming."
"Word got around that you were coming, so I thought I would surprise you."
"Sorry for not telling you I was coming."
"Don't worry about it." Ava waved her hand in front of me. "You didn't want to upset me because we both knew Steve would be here, and he is, and that is why i'm hiding in the kitchen, far away from the drink table!"
We both laughed, and I could tell that she was nervous. "I just talked to him, Steve."
"What'd he say?" She stopped laughing and had a serious look on her face.
"I mean he talked to me." I corrected myself. "He was just talking about where Shawn was, being an idiot."
She rolled her eyes and shoved another chip in her mouth. "Doesn't surprise me."
"He said that Shawn was in line for the keg or something." I rolled my eyes. "Not that it matters to me what he does, I mean this is a party, just he is my ride. And he was talking about Shawn and something about him up north or something."
Ava shrugged. "I wouldn't put too much thought into it, none of that sounds like Shawn."
"That's what I said!" I smiled that she was agreeing with me.
While my hand was inside the chip bag I heard yelling from the other room. Ava and I exchanged a confused look before we moved closer to the noise to try to make out what they were saying. As we got closer to the noise we realized that they were chanting Shawn's name. I peaked my head into the room where all the chanting was coming from to see Shawn being held up over the keg.

Senior Year (Shawn Mendes fanfic)
FanfictionIt's senior year for best friends Shawn Mendes and Bostyn Jackson, and they're hoping to make the best of it. Bostyn is trying her best to keep her friendship with Shawn alive through all their ups and downs. With the fear of being separated after t...