"Good morning, you two!" Miss Luisa hummed as we walked through the hotel lobby.
"Good morning, miss Luisa!" Ava and I responded in sync.
"How did you girls sleep last night?" She asked.
Ava and I exchanged an uneasy look. "Great!" I finally answered for the both of us. "We crashed as soon as we got back from dinner!"
"Me too." She nodded, then yawned. "And I still feel exhausted!"
"Us too." Ava chimed in.
"What are you girls planning on doing today?" She asked. "No rules. Well, I mean there are rules, but, you know what, never mind, i'll save that talk for Steve."
"Good idea." I laughed. "We aren't sure yet. Probably just touristy stuff."
"Great!" She grinned. "Curfew at ten, see you then."
"That rhymes." Ava laughed.
"Kind of what I was aiming for." She grinned.
Ava and I walked out of the hotel double doors and out to the meeting square. "We didn't have a plan on where we're going. Where are we going?" She asked.
"Haven't thought that far ahead yet, still tired from last night." I yawned.
"Me too. And you're still wearing Shawn's jacket." Ava pointed to the black jacket I had gotten from Shawn last night.
"It's comfortable!"
"Never said it wasn't." She laughed. "We really need a plan."
"Have plans?" I heard a voice that sounded just like Shawn say behind me.
I turned and smiled. "Right on cue."
"We have plans for today." He smiled as he moved his finger from pointing to him, to Steve, then to Jason.
"So are you guys like the three musketeers now?" Ava asked from behind me.
"More like the three stooges!" Jason slapped his knee, acting like what he just said was hilarious.
"You just called yourself a stooge, idiot!" Steve spat at him.
"I definitely feel a headache coming on." Shawn frowned.
"I'm sorry." I said to him. "What are sleeping arrangements for you guys? It's two to a room, and three of you."
"Jason is sleeping on our floor. Shawn and I each donated a pillow and blanket, he's set." Steve informed us.
"That's awful! Don't you have a room?" I asked him.
"Well, yeah, but i'm not going to sleep with a random."
"So now you're sleeping on a floor that probably hasn't been vacuumed in years?" Ava asked.
"Don't judge, Ava." Jason joked.
"Hey, Electricco part two tonight, you guys in, or are you going to chicken out again?" Steve asked.
"We didn't chicken out last time, just simply didn't want to go."
"Hey do you think if i'm not over my hangover from last night by tonight, then tomorrow i'll wake up with a double hangover?" Steve asked Shawn.
"Steve shut up!" Shawn said as he pushed him off.
"Yeah I think we're going to pass on your little booze fest again tonight." I looked at Ava then back at the boys. "Not our thing."
"It's not just a booze fest, they play good music too, American music!" Jason grinned. "And don't even get me started on the girls! Huh, Shawn? Huh? Don't even try to pretend, i've got the videos!"
"The videos, huh?" I asked, Shawn, acting like I was joking, but in reality I was serious, and kind of curious.
"Ignore them." Shawn rolled his eyes. He turned around and gave Jason and Steve a dirty look. "There's no videos."
"Okayyyyy." Steve laughed.
I shook my head. "Want you jacket back? It's actually pretty warm." I said, attempting to change the subject.
"No, it's okay. You keep it, it's suppose to get cold again when the sun goes down." He smiled as we started walking.
I looked up at Shawn and saw his hair was a mess and he looked tired. "I really want to see those videos." I couldn't help myself.
"There are no videos, Bostyn!" Shawn shouted. "Right, guys?" Shawn asked as he turned and raised his eyebrow at Jason and Steve.
"Nope, no videos." Jason quickly responded.
"What's a video?" Steve asked, throwing his arms up, being over dramatic.
"Bostyn, by any chance, do I have you on snapchat?" Jason asked me.
"Yeah, I think so." I answered, we exchanged a grin.
Jason unlocked his phone and started scrolling through his memories.
Shawn turned around and snatched his phone. "There are no videos for you to see, Bostyn. Drop it." Shawn said, sternly, killing the joking mood. Everyone then started walking in silence.

Senior Year (Shawn Mendes fanfic)
FanficIt's senior year for best friends Shawn Mendes and Bostyn Jackson, and they're hoping to make the best of it. Bostyn is trying her best to keep her friendship with Shawn alive through all their ups and downs. With the fear of being separated after t...