"Are you hungry? We can stop to get something to eat before we get there." Shawn offered for the third time since we got in the car.
"I ate earlier, i'm fine."
"You sure?" He asked.
I touched his arm. "Shawn. I'm positive."
"Alright, just didn't want you to be hungry."
"That's nice of you." He smiled in response. "Are you hungry?" I asked him.
He shook his head no as he pulled into the busy parking lot, both of us searching for a spot. Shawn finally found one and pulled in, then he rushed out of the car and around to my side so he could open the door for me.
"What a gentleman, thank you." I said as I linked arms with him.
"Have you decided what you want to get to eat after this?" He asked me as we stood in line to get in.
"Everything on your mind right now is food, isn't it?" I asked him, trying not to laugh.
"No!" He quickly responded. "Maybe."
"Well I'll let you decide what we eat, it doesn't matter to me."
"You sure?" He asked.
"Shawn Mendes!" A tall boy I recognize from the football team picture said as he smacked his hand onto Shawn's shoulder and squeezed it.
"Carver, what's up dude?" Shawn asked him.
"Nothing much, just had to say hi to the soon to be prom king."
"Huh?" Shawn asked, looking confused.
"You didn't hear?" Carver asked him.
"Hear what?"
"Everyone's saying you're going to be prom king, you have like a ninety nine percent chance of winning."
"But we haven't even voted yet."
"Yeah but everyone is saying they are going to vote for you as king, literally everyone."
"What about for queen?" Shawn asked.
"A few names have been thrown around, yours included." He pointed at me. "Hey I've got to go, Kate's waiting for me. See you, man."
Shawn did a small wave before looking at his watch and putting his hands in his tuxedo pants.
"Future prom king." I said as I tugged at his red tie.
"Probably not". He shook his head. "Not that I care anyways, high school royalty is a joke."
"Don't say that." I hit his arm. "You don't mean it."
"Oh I do."
"Well don't let everyone else know that, you might lose a few votes."
"That's fine with me."
"Excuse me, sorry, excuse me, coming through." I turned around and saw Ava making her way through the crowd. "Phew, finally made it to you guys."
"Shawn." Steve said as he reached his hand out and did a quick handshake with him. "I heard the news."
"That he's going to be prom king?" I asked.
"Yes." Steve grinned.
"Maybe." Shawn corrected us.
Steve and I made eye contact. "Definitely." We said at the same time.
"That's you guys." Ava said she gently pushed us forward.
"Tickets please." The lady said, staring at us through her black rimmed glasses. Shawn handed her our tickets and waited. "Thank you, you guys can go in."
"Ready?" Shawn asked as he extended his hand to me. I nodded and took it.
"Bostyn! Shawn!" Jason shouted from the other side of the gym.
I smiled and waved at him, then I looked at Shawn who shifted his weight from one leg to another, an uncomfortable look on his face.
Jason slowly made his way over to us, but before I could say anything Shawn turned to me. "Bostyn do you think you could go grab us some drinks?" He asked me.
"Allow me." Jason said. As he was about to take a step towards the drink table Shawn put his hand on his chest to stop him.
"Bostyn can, right Bost?" He said, looking me in the eyes.
I hesitated for a second. "Yeah, sure."
As I walked away I heard Jason ask Shawn, "What's your problem, man?"
I tried to look at them to see what was going on as I poured the drinks, but it wasn't working very well. I couldn't read their lips, but it looked like they were in a heated argument.
I tried to pour the drinks faster to go and break up the argument, but as soon as I balanced all the drinks Shawn punched Jason so hard he fell onto his butt.
"Jason!" I yelled, the cups falling out of my grip and barely missing my dress. Then Jason got up and punched Shawn back, knocking him into the snack table, a bowl of popcorn flying.
"Hey!" Steve yelled as he ran to break them up. "What the hell is going on?"

Senior Year (Shawn Mendes fanfic)
FanfictionIt's senior year for best friends Shawn Mendes and Bostyn Jackson, and they're hoping to make the best of it. Bostyn is trying her best to keep her friendship with Shawn alive through all their ups and downs. With the fear of being separated after t...