Chapter 17

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Kai: Humming lightly, I smiled, catching your gaze flicking to my mouth. "Then you would love seeing me with my group."

Alaya: I roll my eyes and huff. "Oh my god Kai. I don't care about your freaking group. I'm obviously flirting with you," I roll my eyes again before continuing. "What even is this group about that you love so much?"

Kai: "It's sort of a political group, but not really. We all have different views," I shared with a smile. I was well aware you'd been flirting with me. "Really it's just a gathering of people looking to regain control over their life." I looked down at you, my thumb rubbing against your shoulder. "Does that sound like something you might want to look into, if I talk to them about it first?"

Alaya: I can barely focus on anything as your thumb brushes against me, but I key in when you mention that members come to gain control over their lives. In the past 24 hours my life has managed to completely fall apart so maybe just looking at the group wouldn't such be a bad idea. I mean my life couldn't get any worse right? Maybe I could find a new job through the group, maybe even a new boyfriend. I could be happy again. And not to mention you said everyone has different opinions and ideas.

Kai: I watched your expression as you took in my words. I remained silent, letting you think about it.

Alaya: I bite my lip in consideration. "What if I just come to one meeting? Just to see how things are?" I ask testing the waters. Oh my god what am I even talking about, for all I know this random guy I met in a FREAKING BAR could be running a cult. Okay maybe I'm overreacting but I still quickly retract my statement in a lighthearted manner by saying "But let's be honest Kai. I don't think either of us will be able to remember this conversation in the morning. I probably won't even know who you are,"

Kai: Tightening my arm around you reassuringly, I nodded my head. "Of course. You don't have to stay with us if it isn't for you. Let me know in the morning if you remember this conversation so we can make arrangements."

Alaya: "Besides I'm not even into politics like that," I finish before avoiding your eyes and looking over to the wall.

Kai: "Well you don't have to be into politics," I assured you. "Like I said, we all have different views, and we never really discuss politics, per say. We mostly talk about more personal issues - some of them just happen to involve the political system, but some of them just have to do with jobs or relationships."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2018 ⏰

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